July 9, 2015
July 9, 2015 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 9
Topics Created On July 9, 2015
- Chart interpretation
I've been trying to read & figure out what my chart means for sometime but I'm quite new to astrology so understanding h
- Sweet Talk and Gemini
I met a really cute gemini guy whom I am very interested in and its been 1 month. He asked me to be his gf the first dat
- Seeking some insight
Several months ago I met a Capricorn male on tinder. We chatted back and forth but nothing of a sexual or overtly flirta
- Scorpio Rising
i just found out my rising is scorpio not libra....honestly im a bit bummed D: What do you guys think of this placement?
- Aries gal Cap guy-post breakup insight?
Hey y'all. I've been indulging in posts on this forum, and respect all of your opinions and insight.*The beginning- Cap
- Happy birthday, Cheeseburger
You know how it is ;)
- Help on understanding planets & placements?
I've been trying to figure out what everything in my chart means and I'm getting confused. Mostly im not understanding w
- How did you meet your Significant Other?
- Camille Cosby
Finally they reveal, she is a Fish. After all the women and allegations she is still standing by her man. And she is
- Unrequited love
How do you all deal with it? I know the general feels of taurus hard to move on, invested time and effort. I read so
- Decipher this crab code
So a little update, if it can even be called that. So the birthday card to my Cancer guy arrived. I sent the message ins
- Went through his phone
We're not dating but we've been seeing each other for almost 2 years and I've asked if he wanted relations but he says
- Am I being used by this Gemini man?
First off let me say he is Gemini Sun, Cancer Venus, and Scorpio Moon. I am Libra Sun, Sag Venus, Cancer Moon. Ok I star
- Happy Taurus Moon...Ends 7/14...Enjoy
Pisces Sun Taurus Ascendent & Moon Cafe Astrology Familiarity is important to Lunar Taureans. These people
- Capricorns and friends
As as a capricorn how do you define friendship? What is a friend in your mind?
- Random Vent Thread
Alright you depressed drugies, and you romance novel reading icecream eating mid-aged sexless women, you hormonal sad-fo
- Leo mates lets talk about freedom.
They usually refer these words freedom and space exclusively for the signs of Gemini, Sag, and Aries, but as a Leo i
- Just went through a break up with a Scorpio
So I was with this Scorpio woman off and on for about 2 years. For some reason she always decide to break up with me aro
- Cancer man going thru break with Scorpio woman
So I was with this Scorpio woman off and on for about 2 years. For some reason she always decide to break up with me aro
- Personality and Career through birth chart?
My best friend is very self harming and Lacks confidence but she is a Cap and i dont understand how? I mean she thinks s
- He's Not Easy to Read
Well at least he isn't to me. I know that he likes me, but is there such a thing as faking the like? I won't have sex wi
- Scorp women, what does an strong male look like?
as far as I know , Scorpio women don't like the weak men , they want the real man , the alpha male , right? , but psic
- Sisters with Taurus and Libra placements,
As I've stated previously, I'm 28 degrees in Aries or third Decan Aries, bordering in Taurus. Along with Libra moon, Lib