July 16, 2015
July 16, 2015 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On July 16, 2015
- Aries Mercury
What is this even? Liks i get the impatient part but what qualities are there?
- crab withdrawl?
Im a gem and I met this crab on tinder... Haha :P. As trivial as this may sound I really am making a post about this bec
- Virgo man confuses me
I'm a Sag girl and I started to develop a friendship with this Virgo guy. I don't know if he likes me or not because he
- What is your favorite venus placement and why?
I haven't seriously dated many different guys so hard for me to say but so far in my experience I'd say my fellow Venus
- Loser attraction
alright i have serious questions. why are you women so infatuated in losers? don't lie. you women throw yourselves at lo
- Are all scorpios always moody and disrepectful?
Cancer female dating a scorpio man for almost 2 years and we'll it has been one crazy rollercoaster....in the beginning
- Evil and/or very dark peronality
What placements come to mind? I cn admit im a very dark and sometimes, depending who im dealing with, pretty damn evil.
- Libra + Scorpio
Are Libra and Scorpio' s a good love match? Curious because I'm getting to know this guy (Libra). We met for the first t
- Coolest games on mobile?
Hi guys:) Can you tell me the names of some coolest games that i can play on my cell phone? If you can describe why thos
- Gems!
Can you post your placements I wonder how different we are! Sun Gemini 9.01 Ascendant Cancer 28.46 Moon Taur
- What is it with me lately...
.....and being attracted to men in relationships. Is there something in the air? Do I actually enjoy the fact that t
- Her lilith north node and venus in my 1st house
Ive been flirting with her friends , but ince we started to flirt she always look at me we had an intense eye contact ,
- Cancer girl confused and hurt by Virgo man
I met a Virgo man 3 months ago, we both had instant attraction, got along very well and could talk for hours. However w
- Why are Aquarius Men so Obsessive and Psycho?
I have a story. I knew this Aquarius man years ago and then reunited with him some odd years later. Before I reunited wi
- Ever dated the SAME sign as YOU before?
How did it turn out? So far, it rocks. Double Sags! Plus both your birthdays are so close and you both think and act so
- Are Aqua males lone rangers? lol
I've known an Aqua guy for about eight years, always super pleasant and the best energy to be around. He basically loves
- Scorpionguy looking for relationship or fun???
I have been talking to a younger scorpion guy for few days. He is unmarried while I am divorced. So at first I was inte
- Any extroverted Pisces?
Since aquas and aries are askig theirs if thy are introverted a all, I think its time to ask u fellow fish....are u exfr
- Help with the Pisces man
Help! I'm a Scorpio woman and I've known this Pisces man ever since I was a little girl. He was my first crush. When he
- Lil Gems
I find Gemini kids so frickin cute... little adorable motor mouths lol i have more pleasant experiences talking to gemin
- Any Aries Sun, Venus in Pisces people?
How do you see this combo? Do you know anyone with these pairings or are you one of them yourself? :) Please share an
- You Must Choose!
Gemini or virgo mercury? Taurs or libra venus? Aries or scorpio mars? Sagittarius or pisces jupiter? Aqariiu or capr
- The signs as Kill Bill Characters...
Take your pick (If you haven't seen Kill Bill, where have you been?)
- Talk about a time you've felt defeated...
I know in general, us Aries take winning seriously soooo...
- Gemini..Ex Bf leo now boo... always busy!!
Hi guys just joined need advice on my ex bf who is now my boo.. The deal is we known each other for over 10 yrs..met wh
- Bad Luck Crabbie :(
So my Cancer has been going through some real tough times. I thought with this month being crabbie month things might ge
- caps, what are you committed to?
I just ran across this video on YouTube. Shirley is a Capricorn and I can feel her sadness and relate to her struggle. I
- Aries man pissed off and now he's ignoring me.
*ADVICE PLEASE* I'm a Leo, and I've been involved with my Aries guy for 3 1/2 yrs now but we've been exclusive for 7 mon