July 24, 2015
July 24, 2015 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 24
Topics Created On July 24, 2015
- A Flirt vs. Serious
I feel that a Leo knows how to tell the difference more between flirting, and a relationship unlike the Capricorn (_ als
- Becks-aholics' Brouhaha
If you're a heavy drinker and you drink beck's, you might be in luck. In a preliminary settlement Anheuser-Busch LLC is
- Confusion after fourth date
You'd think I'd know a thing or two about Cancers since I dated one I for three years, but the new one I've been dating
- what's up with Taurus w/Virgo moon.
Recent posts on here says they remain single. My Taurus guy has Vrgo moon, has been divorced 7 years. I'm Scorpio Moon,
- My ex libra
So, for some reason he has decided 100% he wants to get back together. Ok, so let's try this and take time, in order to
- Water moons
- TW quick to jump to conclusions?
hey there Taurus male speaking, so at the end of the semester me and this Taurus women had this sorta of connection.
- ethnocentricity and dating
Hello All, I was wondering if you guys have any ethnic leanings when it comes to dating. I'm talking short term
- Break ups?
How do you deal? Although i dont care if i get reected or not i do someties get realy bad wih brekups. Im black or w
- Air Moons
What woul you say youre like? Persoaly i feel like im very detached nd dont give a fuck about like....anyhin really. Im
- confused about cancer man
This is the first time I have ever been involved with a Cancer man and I've never been so confused. We met via a dati
- Curiosity About Aquarius Compatibility
Hello everyone! So I'm fairly new when it comes to reading about which sign is compatible with Aquarius. I know that we
- Aquarius Female: Whom will I be compatible with?
Hello everyone! So I'm fairly new when it comes to reading about which sign is compatible with Aquarius. I know that we
- About the signs(and especially true about caps)
Aries Aries is kind of a dick. There I said it. Aries fancy themselves as leaders and will often take over the role wit
- Bored at Work
Any good, juicy threads out there in DXP I should read?
- Mars in Gem,
Holy crap after watching a YouTube video on Mars in Gemini, the way I express my anger makes total sense lol My moon is
- Do I look like a Sagittarius?
Or Pisces? Cancer? If my username wasn't such a big giveaway, which zodiac according to physical traits do I match most
- Dear Aquas, do you prefer Gems or Leebs?
I'm just curious because I've been discussing this a bit with two lovely Aquas on this forum :) and I'm just curious abo
- Leo in Mars/ Libra in Mars Compatibility
What do you think about these too as a match up?
- If you have a compatible Venus as well as Mars,
With someone, how strong is that attraction going to be? Always been curious.
- Zodiac Natural Disasters
Aries- Volcanic Eruption Taurus- Earthquake Gemini- Whirlwind Cancer- Tsunami Leo- Lightning Virgo- Poison Ivy Li
- Capricorn as a Mother
Capricorn as a mother Capricorn mothers are one of the most simple and caring moms who are very calm and they keep a lo
- Capricorn Woman in Bed
from zodiacsigns.com Capricorn woman are very sensual and erotic in the bed, they are born with traits of seduction a
- oh god I think I've made a no-no!
I was bored, and he's a married scorp, he was outta town, we are no more than formal friends and he and i have like a we
- Capricorn Man in Bed
from zodiacsigns.com Capricorn man are very serious and intense by nature and they are bound to show that intensity i
- Capricorn as a Father
from zodiacsigns.com Well, we all do come across fathers who are extremely strict and you don’t even think once to
- Capricorn as Siblings
from zodiacsigns.com Amongst all the sun signs in the zodiac, Capricorn siblings are the most humble and loyal siblin
- Scorps, do you think I've made a BIG NO-NO?
and what should I do to make it alright? I've posted the same thing on astrology but I think this is where the questio
- Who is the Architect of the zodiac signs?
- For those who are Confused by Cancer Men!!
I responded to another thread, however after reading soo many about the same thing..."why do Cancer me just disappear/si
- What's he doing?
My good Gemini friend is going through a rough time. He was forced to go live with his parents again. He's not happy the
- Virgo moon - the glass bubble?
Does anyone else with a Virgo moon sometimes feel like there are some days where you can be in tune with emotions but tr
- Sag Folks....
- What are your Archetypes?
Archetypes.com Mine are Rebel/Performer and creative.
- Water signs, whatcha think of cappys?
Ive aways attracted them and honestly....This is my weak spot. Every Goatfish makes my heart melt an i LITERALLY feel th
- Did this Cap male "ask me out" ?
Hello Caps! For context: I'm not exclusively dating anyone (dating several people at once), and I did post on here a whi
- Stellium in Aquarius/Fourth House
I understand the fourth house is based on home life/environment and ideal home situations, and how Aquarius is an indepe
- Sag mars in the 1st house merc rx libra 12th
What's everyone's opinion on such a person? They used the having a sag mars as an excuse for being an angry asshole and
- Mars in Gem with Venus in Taurus,
Would you consider this a good combination for pursuing romantic relationships? Would you consider it a detriment? Discu
- Venus retrograde transit? Hopeful!
What are you venus in retrograde stories like? Is this really a good time to rekindle with an old flame especially if i
- i dated a taurus girl...
We had powerful sex she looks nice shes awesome but the only problem is that her pussy STINKS Shes asking for another d
- how do aquarius men flirt? plz help! stange situ.
Ok so im in a strange situation.... The man im with has a cousin who is aquarius. He comes over all the time and he lov
- Motherly
What placement(s) do you think make someone motherly? Like that one person in the group that is always looking out for e
- The Truth about Venus
A few astrological facts. Venus doesn't make you do anything. Its an inactive planet. Scorp Venusians will bury
- cancer venus
if you have a venus cancer what other venus sign have you had the best luck with? and worst?
- Male nipples become tools of 'sexual harassment' d
- you are a very sad bunch of people
that is all.