July 7, 2015
July 7, 2015 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 7
Topics Created On July 7, 2015
- Too much earth in chart??
I have majority of my planets in Earth signs, majority Cap w a Taurus moon. How do you think that would affect someone?
- Crazy AQUA guy?
We have dated briefly before we broke up because I had to move out of state. But for the short time we have dated, he k
- Is it just me..
Or is this subforum mainly filled with people who can't let an ex go or accept the fact that there is no second date on
- not sure if he likes me???
So I have a friend....and for months we've been hanging out here and there.... He's a Scorpio......Ive read that they ar
- Self sabotaging?
Do any other caps do this in relationships? I notice that whenever I get close to someone, I end up running away. I some
- 2 guys ...both aries sun cancer moon ..
first one i met some years ago, he was everything i ever wanted....funny, smart, good looking, we just got along real we
- Need help understanding this Aries man
I have been talking to an Aries man for some months, we have this great connection and get along really well. We laugh a
- help need to understand
I have been talking to an Aries man for some months, we have this great connection and get along really well. We laugh a
- Scorpio Hermits
Hello my fellow scorpios it's been a while since I posted anything. I've been traveling enjoying a great summer and I wi
- The secret to dating and relationships with cancer
- Gemini man w/ venus and mars in Cancer
Anyone here with this combo? What are you like? Whats your partner's sign and venus?
- Sun in 12th House?
My Aries sun is in my twelfth house; any detail about what that might mean would be greatly appreciated.
- Describe the person you like/dislike the most.
Person I like the most- Hilarious, angers quickly, brutally honest, aware of many things, opinionated, talkative, observ
- Libra Mooners - Ever feel too passive or lazy?
It's something I really try to fight hard against; but I do find myself often indulging in leisurely activities quite of
- Leo woman comes back to you? Ever?
Do you think a Leo woman comes back to you after sometime if she is deeply in love with you and had long-term relationsh
- Venus in Virgo
I've recently rekindled a relationship with a Sun & Moon in Cancer man and I've got this part of him down but I have i
- Could you give up sex?
Scorpios are the ruler of sex and power. I just saw this powerful message of a NFL player dating singer Ciara. Basically
- what is a pure neptunian type?
Ive heard about this but how do you know if you are one? And what is it?
- Capricorn males please help !
I met a capricorn male in December . It was supposed to be.a one night stand but he asked for my number & hit me up abou
- I'm Pregnant ---- Libra Hates Me
I know this goes beyond astrology, but I'm trying to sort this out from all angles, so... My now-ex boyfriend (libra)