July 30, 2015
July 30, 2015 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 30
Topics Created On July 30, 2015
- Which sign is most likely to....
Not give someone their credit where it's due just because they don't like them? (I hope that makes sense).
- Guys, tell me about Cap men?
I've never experienced Capricorns in my life.. my dad, who I haven't really been around to know much of his tariats. Ca
- Help with Cappie chap
I briefly dated a younger Capricorn guy about a year and a half ago (he was 19-20, I was 27). We met when he got a job a
- Do you prefer to wear your hair up or down?
And, what's your Ascendant sign? This question is for women AND men with long hair. :D
- Please help
Hello all, I have been reading post on this forum and have finally plucked up the courage to make a post! I'm in a
- Venus retrograde - positive effect?
I am very new to astrology and struggle to understand all the planets in houses etc etc. my basic understanding of Venus
- Calling all Fire sign venus
Wanted to create a thread for my fellow fire sign venus. Thought my venus in aries gets me into some trouble time to tim
- Which is sexier?
One for the guys - Which is sexier? A girl in lingerie or a girl in a large T-shirt with nothing underneath?
- love unrequited
what is he astrology fr unreuite love? I lve vry hard u see and it important for e to know any indcations found in th br
- the purest love
its hard to describe this love. there are no words for it. its overwhelming, its intense, its like extasy. its th
- Numerology Compatibility (Till the end of Aug)
Before I go into this let me first put down some proper notifications. Don't be a pain in my ass. This will be limited
- Didn't Saturn Leave Sag?
Why am I still busy with NO end in sight????
- seeing your soulmate
So I've had two dreams so far where I see my soulmate. I love this man and I can feel it when I see him but I can't make
- Why does this young cancer do this to herself
My friend, like I once was is in a pretty rocky place with his Cancer, they haven't talked in about 2 months and I can t
- Happy Birthday, Soul!
All hail the king of dxp! https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/8f/04/90/8f0490cf03541e96a3c53072d6091431.jpg
- When a Scorpio is distant but...Not really
I know my title is confusing but it's exactly whats going on lol. He's distant but not gone. Like he still takes me out
- Help Me Understand Moon/Solar Eclipses
I have rising Taurus/scorpio Last year on April 2014, there were 2 eclipses April 15 (Libra) and April 29 (Taurus)
- Supportive aqua
Hey Aqua friend. Hope you are well.!! I don't really know what my question is, but I can use an ear or a few words.
- Taurus man back...
hi all, I haven't been on this in a while. I don't know If anyone remembers me, but I have a long standing relationship
- True Lilith in the 7th house?
What would this mean for relationships? I am curious to what its deeper meaning may hold. My true Lilith is in Taurus (7
- Which sign makes you crazy impatcient?
Which sign would you love to see yourself married to, but the whole process of dating would be so exhausting you wouldn'
- I feel like you folks understand me the best :)
Your communication, you zeal for life, your restless minds. And yet you also need to withdraw, much like I do from my mo
- Expression less Cappies
Capricorns did you ever notice that we go expression less when in hard times? Okay So I do have this habit. I isolate my
- Your favourite food?
Hi Taureans, name your favourite food.
- Which sign is your best friend?
Is it Sagittarius? Or is it other signs?
- Astrology Compatibility Wild Cards...
Hey Ladies and Gents, So I noticed a pattern among certain signs that seem to romantically stick together although th
- Aries Celebrities (pictures included)
There was a thread about Aries celebrities but I'm not sure where that is now so I decided to make a new one. This is t
- cancer man is a one man show
Can someone help me understand. I met a cancer man. I'm a taurus . We hit it off. He had a sense of humor It was cool.