July 14, 2015
July 14, 2015 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 14
Topics Created On July 14, 2015
- Express Novena to our lady
Remember o Most gracious Virgin Mary that never was it known, That anyone who fled to your protection implored your he
- Need advice!
Ok I'm an Aquarius guy & I'm really into this Cancer girl, we're both in our 20s. We've only known each other for a few
- Which sign would most likely....
State their opinion online and then disable the reply button?
- Is it cheating??? Will he 4give???
I'm a Scorpio Sun, Moon Aquarius, Venus Libra, he's Gemini Sun, Moon Virgo, Venus Leo. I was always fascinated by Gemini
- He asks for love:)
In a relationship, when a Capricorn man literally askes you to say that you love him back, even though he knows you love
- The new layout
I know it takes some time to get the hang of things, but is it really THAT confusing? Anyone noticed a trend with 4-5 ne
- Cheating: Forgive or Move on???
Good Morning ladies and gentlemen.... I hope everyone is having a pleasant day so far. Today I wanted to talk about che
- Anyone w/Leeb placements ever feel a bit insane?
lol I literally just went through a plethora of emotions this morning, due to the majority of my life being unmanageable
- What do you think about Virgo girls?
Hi Aqua girls, i want to know what do you think about us Virgos. Any opinion is welcome, good or bad. You can also share
- guys who is the ruler of seventh house? or
how do I find it?
- I don't relate to gemini traits per se.
How am I flighty in relationships when it's always the opposite? It really seems like I'm the crazy possessive one and
- Why so much hatred for Virgo girls?
I have always seen that other signs talk negative about Virgo girls. Being a Virgo myself i feel bad. Others say we are
- Reading a Cancer
Firstly, sorry for the long message but it??s a lot to distill into one post. I have been dating a cancer (cap moon and
- I'm new, can someone explain this site's purpose?
- Fatalistic astrology, what is the deal with it?!
scaring the hell outta me! how accurate or true is it? anybody's into it?
- (Sorry for being annoying last one I swear)
So after asking my cancer guy that if he really was into me He would make a better effort into text me and see me I
- Smitten with a libra man. How to express this?
Oh, libra! He's smitten me so, charmed me in all the right ways. I'm a pisces female, hesitant at first but warmed up to
- I've come to the realization
- Chart analysis/love compatibility
Hi, could someone please have a look at the below charts and interpret them. Also, to see what is compatible and what's
- Don't berate me for another Scorp question lol :P
I just need a direct answer, which I'm sure I'll get in this forum. Do you guys prefer to initiate conversations via
- Chart analysis/compatibility
Hi, could someone please have a look at the below charts and interpret them. Also, to see what is compatible and what's
- Gemini rising and speech.
How is your speech speed? Do people pick up on certain quirks about the way your speak? Do you lean more towards writi
- I love Cancers, but I DO NOT UNDERSTAND
So my cancer male friend (just a friend) mentioned that it has been 3 months since he spoke to his dad. I asked why and
- sag men virgo women
any experiences? what attracts u to a virgo? or do u get attracted to virgos?
- Zzzzzzzzzzz
- He broke up and wants to be friends!
Hello everyone! So I told my story before, I had a fight with my guy (nothing special) and he went back to his shell! A
- How do keep it casual with a Leo?
This guy has been coming on strong from the beginning when I thought he was trying to buy me. We get along about fifty p
- New Cancer to the Scene
I almost can't believe that people truly come here for real advice as this is just a giant hate fest. I couldn't even ge
- 57
What does it mean? I keep seeing it EVERYWHERE(!) and I am familiar with it from another time in my life when this nu
- When Leo man say 'I just think we cannot go far'
I want to know what does this mean when leo man say 'I just think we cannot go far anymore.' Is it he have give up on th
- Nutter Roomates
by Sign... What were your best & worst signs for plutonic co-habitation? What age were you? Best: Cancer male (19)
- Riddle me this
Is it odd for a guy (who has only known a woman for a short span of time) to wish to have raw sex with her? And...then
- Today was a big day for me...
I booked my first beach vacation with my 3 daughters today, we shall be road tripping it. :) They are STOKED!!! T