April 12, 2016
April 12, 2016 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 12
Topics Created On April 12, 2016
- Scorpio Man and Leo Woman? Love? Games?
Hi All, I am looking for some realistic advise regarding a Scorpio male I've known for 4 years. We met and the attraction was instant. After we locked in eye's and I couldn't run fast enough before he was next to me. We ended up exchanging numbers and he
- Cancer and Pisces (redux ???) ...
I have been a member of DXP for almost 9 years and I have seen a lot of Cancer + Pisces threads over the years. While, this paring is not for everyone, I feel like I can share a positive note on the subject. I met my Cancer, Hannah, five years ago. She is
- Pisces and Cancer (redux) ??? ...
I have been a member of DXP for almost 9 years and I have seen a lot of Cancer + Pisces threads over the years. While, this paring is not for everyone, I feel like I can share a positive note on the subject. I met my Cancer, Hannah, five years ago. She is
- Female libra scorpio cusp crush on Female pisces cowoker
I need help guys!! I'm a bisexual female(Libra Scorpio cusp) who has a bit of a crush on my female(Pisces) co worker. I kinda messed up by assuming she was bisexual and messaging her. The message goes kinda like me telling her she's hard to read and her r
- Female Libra Scorpio cusp needs help! Please!
I need help guys!! I'm a bisexual female(Libra Scorpio cusp) who has a bit of a crush on my female(Pisces) co worker. I kinda messed up by assuming she was bisexual and messaging her. The message goes kinda like me telling her she's hard to read and her r
- Cancer male-Leo female-advice needed
So my cancer ex and I are acting like friends these days. I see him in public all the time and we hangout in the same group when we are out and about. Anyways, I asked him for help with my car last week and he went above and beyond. Actually came by an
- "He is a good man". (cosmopolitan type quiz)
How often do we hear this? Here on DXP where one's confession states "their" diligence yet, their actions do not match. Their actions say anything but. Time limit equaling one month, or strictly online relationship.. Still... as they may, try to believ
- '10 Things People Who Are Great At Relationships Do Differently'
Do you ever wonder why some relationships fail while others are totally rocking it? I know that I have for a long time. And still do. Now that I’m married, this quest seems more compelling than ever. Having been through the divorce of my parents and man
- Should I Run?
I am starting to like a Scorp woman. Issues: I have admitted to myself that I am bisexual but it is a secret for now. I don't even know if she's gay/bisexual herself. haha I am a leo and been super happy then super heartbroken twice in my past, both
- Understanding A Cancer Man
Hey guys... So I am stuck in a fix regarding a situation with a Cancer man. I'll summarise the situation as much as possible. We were dating for about 6 months and then it got too far too fast and we broke up. But then we continued to meet, and unknow
- is this typical of libra men?
Hello all!!!! Im a lovely lady bull who has never dated a libra. I usually attempt to avoid the libras but this one in particular wont seem to give up. so before i give him a chance im coming to you lovely people for advise, pointers and anything else
- Do you remember all your sexual encounters?
My virgirlfriend says she does. She claims to have had sex more than 7 times a day for months on end and also claims to remember every single experience. Not the time, not the dates, but the experience. No, I don't mean every partner. I mean every
- Capricorn mars is sexy
I love how they work hard in reaching their goals and how successful they usually are at it.
- Do I have two ascendants?
I have Scorpio in my 1st house, Pluto in Sagittarius in my 1st house and Chiron in Sagittarius in my 1st house. The sign of Sagittarius falls in my 2nd house, but still I have a planet in this sign in my 1st house. I honestly don't understand what ascenda
- Moon conjunct IC in Synastry
Could someone please explain from their own experience what it felt like when the female moon conjunct the male partner's IC? Who is affected more? Thanks
- South Node conjunct Moon in synastry - what are your experiences
My moon has been conjunct two guys I recently had an interest in. This...is a very emotionally draining experience for the Moon person. I'm curious to see if anyone else has had this experience but has been the South Node person. HOWEVER if you have b
- How to lessen the stress of a Capricorn moon man?
Lesson the stress or lighten up? what do you prefer from ur close ones when u r under going alot of stress? what did they do that make you feel better apart from giving you some space? do caring words help? Thank you
- Gemini moon and capricorn moon - can it work?
Hey all I was just wondering if anyone knows if these two signs will work together?
- poetry anyone
so there is no poetry corner but today was just the day I wanted to share one of my favorites with all you Taurus peeps ... and whomever else can appreciate ... The Opening of Eyes That day I saw beneath dark clouds the passing light over the water a
- Stephen Hawking livestream
Waiting for Stephen Hawking to tell me he found aliens!
- US-Cuba relations explained
- Let's Have a Look..
topic was inspired by a video I saw posted on the DXP front page by the same guy and @Firebunny Ejaculate topic of the lightskinned 'masseuse' :D Interesting Video. Let us watch & discuss.
- Those who have been lonely/forever alone due to bad/no relationships
Can you please PM me your birth details? D.o.b ,Time and location It would be very helpful for my reserch. Thanks.
- Cleo
think my cat died today. I cant find her, last night she was making these god awful sounds, almost like she did when she was in heat, way back when, and seems to have a harder time walking. Our last interactions wasn't that great either, she came and s
- Albert Einstein - Pisces
- I love this!!!!
I mean it's just a text post on Twitter but Aries and Cancer are pretty cute together
- pluto 5th house
Anyone have or know what's Pluto 5th house composite mean?
- Fellow Cancers what was the first sign you kissed and/or had sex with
A change of pace topic and somewhat risque'. What sign was the first that you ever kissed and/or had sex with? I will go first. First kiss - aquarian First time - libra You?
- Only to the sexy leos
I'm a leo too, and yes I love it. Here's my question. Do you Leo's like role playing and love making? Simple question..
- love or success
Which would you choice and why? Serious answers someone just asked me this. I said love because im already successful. Success is to make u feel good and maybr buy u material things etc. Also what does success mean to u everyone is successful
- which sign is your soulmate?
a sign that makes us feel secure. a sign that understands all we need is assurance and re-assurance. a sign that does not make you feel insecure in the company of others. i think that is all a virgo needs; assurance. which sign can provide that? by ass