April 19, 2016
April 19, 2016 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 19
Topics Created On April 19, 2016
- Let's talk Taurus moon
Feelings? Comments? Experiences? I seem to attract them a LOT. My dad and two brothers have them, as well as my bestfriend and ex. All men.
- What are some setbacks to a Aquarius male and Gemini female relationship?
Searching online I see nothing but cringe-worthy love articles about this match-up. What are the flaws in this relationship compared to other zodiac match ups?
- What they feel about me? Any advice,please
I'm aquarius girl , i've been dating with scorpio guy for many years. I'm not sure what he thinking about me. He's on and off. So i found another guy. Libra guy , we just talking as a friend but i think i like him a lot. So i do tarot reading ,they both
- Dating and mental illness
So the cancer I am interested in has just confessed to me that they're not in the right headspace for a relationship, as in the past month they've been having numerous panic attacks and some serious anxiety. But she's down to hang out and get to know me.
- Aquarius Female + Leo Male... help!
Sooo.... I always seem to fall for Leo's, they are just so much fun to me! Always enjoying life and have great strength, but I always get hurt. Any who, I'm January 29th and my Leo is July 28th almost exactly 6 months apart. The first time I met him I mel
- What you think?
An Aries male and A libra female?
- Will a Gemini man come back?
My Gemini man and I were in a relationship for a while and things were quite good. We were having marriage talks with our family and even two days back he said he would come and talk to my family if there was an issue. But today he says he is not ready an
- Publishing my novena as promised and a big thank you
St Clare novena Ask for 3 favours 1 business 2 impossible say 9 Hail Marys with a lighted candle for 9 days. Publish on 9th day. Also say this prayer for 9 days may then acres heart of Jesus be praised adored glorified and loved today and every day thro
- Virgos and honesty?
I want to talk to my Virgo and ask him for an opinion about this upcoming event. Thing is he's not apart of it but another guy is. I had made plans with this other guy before dating my Virgo and now I see that if I go to this event with this other guy my
- Capi's....... How do you handle divorce or break ups?
Do you let go quickly, take awhile to get over things, go back and give lots of chances? My best friend is a Cap and I think she lets go quickly and moves on. She's not very emotional about things. I posted about this on a different board but I recen
- Can you trust this cancer man?
Met him on a website and we went on one date. He seem very honest and sweet. We are about to go on a second date, I saw his other profile on a different website with a younger age. The age he told me in person is older and is the same as the site
- I bought a mountain bike
I know what you're thinking. "Soul, who da fuck cares about your mountain bike?" déjà vu anyone? I do. I love the nature, the forest, and everything about those things. Lets face it, walking sucks and as I kid I loved trail riding. It's also an e
- Aquaris girl need help. What da thay think about me ?
Any one can tarot reading? I'm aquarius girl , i've been dating with scorpio guy for many years. I'm not sure what he thinking about me. He's on and off. So i met another guy. Libra guy , we just talking as a friend but i think i like him a lot. I do ta
- Always being available
Hey there guys. Have another Aqua question. Is always being available something the Aqua wants from you? I mean, when you're already in the relationship, and there's no longer a chase. Should there be a constant chase, even after the "I love you
- Is It Wrong To Use The Same Pet Names That Everyone Else Uses For Their Ex.?
You know... Baby, Babe, Darling, Honey, Sugarplum, etc.. Doing so, just seems so unoriginal.
- This Just Not My Day
- Libra bf pretty hurt and I'm so confused...
We've had a long past, almost coming to one year. Things have been pretty normal. Im 18 turning 19 he is 24, there is an age gap. But we looked past it. He left the country to visit family for a month and came back pretty aloof, and wanted to be just frie
- Has Anyone Ever Found A Successful Room to Rent Online?
So I've been trying to find a roommate on various sites like Roomster and Roommates.com and even craiglist and it seems like there are nothing but bots on these websites...that or people that arent serious about finding a roommate. I'm wondering has an
- Scorpio boyfriend left me for his Aquarius ex!
I'm a Capricorn woman & I was recently dating & in a relationship with a Scorpio man for about 4 months. Everything was GREAT between us being that we're very compatible. The sex was amazing, the communication was outstanding (never had that kind of commu
- I started crossfit
I love the way it kills me but makes me feel soooooo fucking strong;). Going on week 2, wish me luck!
- Why is he treating me like this?
Hi, I hope someone can help me with this issue. Five years ago I met a Cancer man. We were friends, but the flirtatious kind. He would send me the loveliest love letters and we spoke to each other daily and spent as much time as possible with each othe
- Pisces Men & Excuses
Tell me.. And this is not a judgement on Pisces males. I just wondered about all the excuses they seem to make for not doing things or not being somewhere etc etc
- I am also getting a tattoo
here it is. it's of harvey specter from the tv show suits to mark my rise as a lawyer. i am thinking lower bicep so harvey will peak out when i wear muscle tees.