April 22, 2016
April 22, 2016 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 22
Topics Created On April 22, 2016
- Unsolved mystery
- Tiny animals that make you go Awww
- Pisces; Do you ever go total stalker on a crush?
Whenever I'm really into a guy i have a tendency of checking his social media a few times a day and digging until i can find exs, bestfriends or preferably another social media account to get more information hahaha😂😂😂 Recently the Facebook app h
- Scorpios Difference Between Like & Love
How do you guys know whether you just really like someone or you love them? I've read water signs just know because they feel it but how does it feel?
- Still 2 fast but I'm loving it
Just an update. my Aqua and I are so smitten. I met the family the mom loves loves me and I love love her back. We speak about EVERYTHING. She's a Pisces so she's cool. She's just angry that he got me a cute car. Not angry but shocked. She said he
- Would it be weird to get him a birthday gift?
I'm questioning if I should due to the dynamics. Let me give you the deets! Sorry, for the novel!! I knew of him and we talked briefly but then I dated his coworker. I didn't know they knew each other until I was my exs date to one of their ceremonies.
- Playing hard to get
...I liked the wording in this article so I decided to share (I feel it drives the point home): "This technique is as old as it is pointless, but before we see why, let's get the terminology right. This entry is about playing hard to get. That doesn't
- Dating a Libra man
What's it like for an earth sign to date a Libra? The pros and cons. Can someone shed some light?
- Has anyone noticed this patter with Aries?
A lot of the Aries I know tend to crush on someone, pull away but always give you enough attention for you not to forget them. I feel like they are impulsive with communicating. I'll go months without talking to my friend but then she'll pop up out of no
- Guesd who finally grew a pair and asked me out
Finally...sheesh. I pray God gives me one night with this caveman. Im going to rock his world..suck the life out of his penis...ride him till he begs for mercy...then never talk to him again.
- In need of poonslaying tips
Hey guys it's me again Firebunny posting from Bicol on another Friday night. I'm going out for coffee with a half Norweigan half Filipino girl in a few minutes. 5'5, 24 inch no fat chicks waist aqualine nosed goddess. I need some tips on what to say to he
- Men
Which ascendant has the best p**sy that you had sex with?
- Astrology of the life and death of Prince Rogers Nelson
Astrology of the life and death of Prince Rogers Nelson
- Pisces women that have experience with Sagg men? Or vice Versa?
Hello everyone, I've been reading different posts on this site for awhile now and this is my first time posting! I've just had my heart broken by a saggittarius man We met in December 2015 and have been involved with each other just until it ended at th
- Great friends with air signs, but disaster in relationships?
Hey y'all so I've noticed something peculiar about my life. I'm great friends with air signs. My closests girlfriends are sun in Aquarius moon in Scorpio, sun in Pisces moon in Gemini, and sun in libra moon in Sagg (Scorpio Venus). I love them. BUT
- gemini and crushes
Are any of you Gems crushing on anyone one right now or find your self falling in love? Which sign and how are you feeling?
- What do you think are the zodiac signs of Game of Thrones characters
- Controlling the negative side
Lately I have been so bitter towards men, most specifically my ex and a close friend of mine. I don't like this side of me but it is so consuming. I find myself plotting ways to hurt them (not physically). How do I get a grip and reign in those negati
- Why do Water Sign Men (Specifically Pisces & Cancer) avoid Water Sign Women for Relationships?
First of All... Being a Virgo & all I'm not biased in any way, but I have noticed most pisces and cancer men trying to come across as very fiery and primarly interested in fire sign women, especially when they are young. They tend to avoid other water sig