April 24, 2016
April 24, 2016 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 24
Topics Created On April 24, 2016
- sttill looking for fastphoenx! HELP
Guys girls people! I am still searching for fastphoenix When he was doing his free reading he told me things and times and it is ALL coming true! Some of it already happened and some of it is happening. He couldn't just wanished, I NEED him He is
- what is your type physically?
- Cancer man unfollowed me on instagram after a great second date and agreed third date?
Second with him was great, 6.5 hours we had dinner, he paid and I offered to go dutch and he said I can pay next time. Then we went to a coffee shop and I let him paid as I already planned on paying for next date. He held my hand on the street as we strol
- Male Cancer roommate has completely stunned me....
We are strictly roommates. He is a cancer male (July 10th) I'm an Aries female, (March 31st) Thursday night I stopped at Olive Garden and picked up dinner and brought it home. Instead of being home at 5:30pm, I returned at 6:15pm When I arrived at home
- Prince and the Golden Dawn
^ Artist Formerly Known As^ a.k.a. soapstone + male + female fools think Prince was Jehovah's Witness? "killed" on the full moon of scorpio... do you even know the meaning of these things? The meaning of his glyph? The significance of his dat
- Taurus moons! click here!
Very much so interested in hearing from any Taurus moons (especially the ladies)...I identify with my moon soooooo much. I have STRONG Taurus traits. What type of men (or women) are y'all interested in? How about friendships? Do you identify with any
- Need to hear from my fellow Taurus moons....
Very much so interested in hearing from any Taurus moons (especially the ladies)...I identify with my moon soooooo much. I have STRONG Taurus traits. What type of men (or women) are y'all interested in? How about friendships? Do you identify with any
- Moon in Virgo mum is so scary sometimes
She gets mad over the littlest things and a perfectionist.
- 6'9" 29 year old Scorpio catfishing as a high school basketball player
“When he recently applied for a US visitor visa, it was determined by fingerprint match that he was the same individual who had made a previous application to the US using a DOB of November 1, 1986,†they said. The second date of birth would suggest N
- IT'S HURT!! Libra man vanish!! ;((( WHYY???
Hi. Sorry for my english. I met this Libra a month ago. 3 years younger than me (He's 24). At first, he came so strong. Calling for 1-2 hour, text everymorning or just a simple 'Hi' or 'What are u doing?'. And then he asked me out. He knows how to treat
- Never Attracted An Air Sign...
So Cancers have you ever attracted an air sign? For me, it's mainly scorps, aries, a few virgos and a couple of taurus and caps.
- What signs are usually popular on social media?
I'm more into the real stuff but curious what signs take social media seriously? Like I have one Gemini friend that goes bonkers if her posts doesn't get pass 50+ likes, pretty amusing tbh Anyway, I do notice that Libras are dominating the social sites b
- Hair On The Belly Button
- Chart compatibility
Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all. Which boy is better for the Virgo? and why? Virgo Sun, Aquarius moon, Virgo mercury, Leo Venus and Leo Mars, Aquarius Rising Cancer sun, cancer moon, Gemini mercury, Leo Venus and Gemini mars
- Any twins here on dxp?
Or does any one know twins? Do they react in the same manner placement wise?
- Polite guys are the worst
After many years of being by myself I started dating again (even made a tread about it). After many months of dating different guys, I have noticed that the "good guys" the overly polite, considerate guys are the worst, instead of saying "hey I'm not f
- Thanks but No Thanks
So I'm curious as to how you all turn down a guy? I met a Cancer man a few weeks back and we have been chatting but he is so boring..I mean the man has no skills in holding a conversation! At first I thought about the possibility that it's me that is n
- Mercury in Taurus goes retrograde 20
in Taurus goes retrograde 2016
- Attracting other cusps
I seem to attract & really connect to other cusp people. It's on a friendship & romantic level. Any other cusps notice this? -Pisces/Aries Cusp
- Would you date a spud?
even if it decides to continue being a spud?
- i have an Epiphany
Girls! Just bake shite for your cancer man to get him back, keep him interested or if you have a cancer man keep him feeling loved! Hahahahaha
- annoyed with everyone lately
is it just me? I'm sick of trying to be nice to people. I've decided that if anyone comes at me I'm coming back at them. done being passive and trying to have nice social graces!!! my Aries third dominant is gonna come out. I'm sick of people trying
- Virgo female needs help w Leo male
So. I have been dating a leo male for 2 months now. I will admit, he has knocked my socks off. When we are together everything is wonderful. We have been out together in public where he was very attentative, I have met his children (he even kissed me in
- Sag guy with Mars in Scorpio treating me like a queen but withholding sex?
I've been casually dating this expat guy for four months&he moved to his home country (Poland) temporarily for 1.5mths. There was a chance that he might not return, so I was dating other guys (he knows this). He's been calling me 2-3t/wk and initiated
- Yah or Nah
- Sag & Aries
Hello Sagittarius! I've been talking to a Sag on a friendship level recently. He told me he was attracted to me, thinks I'm beautiful & cool as hell. I feel the same. I don't have any experience with Sag on a Romantic level, just platonic. I always get
- Is this Leo man genuinely interested in me?
I'm a Gemini, with a Scorpio Moon,Venus in Gemini and Leo Rising. He is a Leo with a Sagittarius Moon, Venus in Virgo. We are both in our mid 20's by the way. We have really great chemistry it seems. We met on Facebook about almost 3 weeks ago a
- Being asked "Why are you single?"
Being asked "Why are you single?" Any of you guys ever replied back with something amusing?