April 25, 2016
April 25, 2016 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 25
Topics Created On April 25, 2016
- Virgo female needs help w Leo male
So, I have been dating a leo male for 2 months. When we are together, all is great. He displays public affection, our mutual friend says he talks about me a lot, I have met his kids...blah blah. However, when we are apart, I'm always the one initiating co
- Am I wrong to wonder?
This may sound crazy but all of my life I wondered about my father. My mother got pregnant in her senior year of high school and my parents married shortly before I was born. They had my brother a few years later and divorced when I was 7. Here is the th
- Pisces Man and Cancer Women
Im a 36 year old Pisces male and I was recently dating a cancer women. Im from Ny and she was from Georgia we had talked for a couple of weeks and decided we would soon meet. However my dad was involved in a bad car accident in Alabama so I called her and
ye fish who dwell in darkness Evil forces heed and harken Upon this Neptune's scepter rub To reconvene The Bad Fish Club of Dagon and Poseidon We take these oaths for'er to abide in Be ye scallywag or wench The laws of Mariana's trench
- What women do to get a guys attention
A woman that works at a company I frequent she's been trying to get my attention noticing she's playing with her hair a lot, now the weather is a little warmer she's wearing clothes that show off her figure. Yes I notice her and yes she's attractive but I
- do libras not like to admit when theyre wrong?
- why are gemini men so damn funny like what is in the water you drink
- omg
have you guys noticed that tauruses and typically people born in may tend to have a round head and flat face... miranda kerr charice kelly clarkson miley cyrus who i believe has taurus ascendant
- dxpnet
- Neptune in the 3rd - God help my communication skills
I'm vague all the time. Everything is "that thing" or I'll be describing a situation at work to my supervisor and he'll be like "can you be more specific". he's a triple Libra and also a good friend of mine. he laughs whenever I'm up in arms describin
- All fellow September 21st Virgo / Libra Cusp
Hi guys, how many of us are there? Any advice? Let's chat!
- Chart compatability / interpretation
Hello beautiful people, a little help her understanding chart and also am I compatible with this fellow leo. My chart Sept 21 Rising - leo Sun- virgo Moon- leo Venus- libra Mars- scorpio Mercury- libra His Chart July 31 Rising- scorp
- Chart compatability / interpretation
Hello beautiful people, a little help her understanding chart and also am I compatible with this fellow leo. My chart Sept 21 Rising - leo Sun- virgo Moon- leo Venus- libra Mars- scorpio Mercury- libra His Chart July 31 Rising- scorp
- How to totally forget someone?
Hi caps, i want to forget a girl. these days i forcing myself to go to party to working more, i even installed tinder ! do you have other advice for me, i need to brainwash myself. Cordially -
- For Future Refrence
something to avoid in the future....
- vegan for 22 days
Its my first day going on this vegan challenge. I miss cheese already. But i like eating more fruit. Ive never been more regular.
- Ok so dork virgo and I didn't work out so we're just friends
Anybody got Keanu Reeves number? I want to help him save the world.
- Mars conjunct Saturn
I'm not sure rather to be afraid or not of this aspect. I have it in Pisces 10th house which make things a lot more confusing. I'm still not sure how this aspect behaves.
- HELP- Moody Cancer
I have been seeing a Cancer man for a couple months. He got out of a long relationship and we started talking, I helped him through a lot and I had no intentions to take it any further than friends; then after talking every day for 3 months he asked me o
- HELP- Moody Cancer
I have been seeing a Cancer man for a couple months. He got out of a long relationship and we started talking, I helped him through a lot and I had no intentions to take it any further than friends; then after talking every day for 3 months he asked me ou
- The Messiness of the Beyhive
under a lemonade stand"
- who has a cap stellium
those born late 1988 to 1991 have a cap stellium, saturn Uranus in Neptune all in Capricorn. How does that influence you, especially if you have a different element sun sign? Are feel more Capricorn than the your sun sign?
- scorpio man
Masochist with hidden agendas. True or false
- Would you move on if you were me?
Hello all.... I need some much needed advice from a strangers perspective; I got involved with a Scorpio man last year, things were fantastic the first 3 months of our relationship. We both opened up to each other quickly, the chemistry was out of this wo
- Scorpio Woman Sadness
Hey everyone, I'm seeing a Scorpio woman who's going through a bout of sadness. She's had this before a few months ago and now again. She is in a 4th day of sadness. In her own terms, she said she "doesn't know what's wrong with her". She's having open
- Pray this once and publish it
"O Mary, my mother and Our Lady of Surprises, what a happy joy you caused the wedding guests, when you asked your Divine Son to work the miracle of water into wine. What a happy surprise for them since they thought the wine had run dry. I, too, Mary, love
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel - pray this for three consecutive days
Oh, most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven. Blessed Mother of the Son of God; Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me you are my Mother. Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Qu
- Trying to understand my Birth Chart
I have 4 fire , 4 water & 4 air planets/positions in my zodiac Tropical side of chart I have 3 earth, 3 air, 3 water & 3 fire on the Placidus Orb side of the chart I have no idea how to read this. To me it just looks like I'm balanced between fire,
Remember, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, what ineffable power thy Divine Son hath given thee over His Own adorable Heart. Full of trust in thy merits, we come before thee and beg thy protection. O heavenly Treasurer of the Heart of Jesus, that Heart which
- Fixed T cross, can someone explain it?
Below is the chart of my best friend and we've decided to give us a shot. But looking at her chart and reading about the T cross I'm getting confused. Can someone help me explain how a fixed T cross with sun, moon, and mars affects her personality from a
- Anybody here in Brazil?
I'm looking for merchants. Need help? I'm here on dxp usually so I thought I'd ask. Thanks
- What signs do cappies attract?
I am a water sign magnat (last 5 boyfriends, 4 Pisces and 1 Scorpio). I'm wondering if it's just me or if this is common. I think Taurus and Virgos are good for us but I don't attract them.
- Pisces--Your Rag to Riches Story
Okay maybe it's not rags to RICHES but any stories of going from rock bottom (divorce, homeless, poor, life-threatening disease, etc) to triumph? I need some encouragement.