April 16, 2016
April 16, 2016 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 16
Topics Created On April 16, 2016
- I bought a kayak.
I know what you're thinking. "Soul, who da fuck cares about your kayak?" I do. I love the water, fishing and everything about those things. I hate working out however, so what better way to ge motivated? I'll just work out while I kayak in an environm
- scorpio strange dating behavior
I will try to keep this brief as their seem to be many posts on the scorpio male. I met a Scorpio through friends in September of 2015. We hit it off pretty instantly, but didn't get to hang out until this passed March. I travel out of the country a l
- Strong scorpio placements and "let it go".
It sound like an endless cliche when the people talk about the scorpio intensity; but for me it have been pretty Real. I fight with myself everytime i know that I´m falling into someone, because it allways had been a tortous tragedy. I´m not trying to t
- Any fellow Leos ever been with a Scorpio??
I'm talking to one now, and I literally know nothing about them. I've ready that Leo and Scorpio don't go together, but I like him so far. Can you guys share your experiences good,bad anything!
- Male Aqua Cusp and Female Saggie Cusp?
His Bday: 02/18/1989 Aqua (Air) / Pisces (Water) Cusp My Bday: 11/24/1987 Scorp (Water) /Saggie (Fire) Cusp So I totally dig this guy. We have an a lot in common, even when it comes to personal preference about certain things -like how we prefer our
- Cancer Girl Keeps Atteacting Air Signs!
Why do air signs seemingly flock to me!? I want them to go away! It never ever works!!! >:(
- Do you know what you want??????????
Title. Do you know what you want out of life and the type of person you'd like to share your life with?? Please tell us your Sun sign, Ascendant and Moon sign. I've always known exactly what I want out of life, what I'd like to do, and the sort of pers
- Aqua/Pisc Cusp Male and Scorp/Saggie Cusp Female?
*Cross Posted in Aquarius Board His Bday: 02/18/1989 Aqua (Air) / Pisces (Water) Cusp My Bday: 11/24/1987 Scorp (Water) /Saggie (Fire) Cusp So I totally dig this guy. We have an a lot in common, even when it comes to personal preference about cer
- Doctor Strange
superhero film by Marvel Comics. I have been itching to go back to reading comics and this will do it. An all star water sign line up of Cancer and Scorpio seasoned actors. This should be very interesting. The chemistry during casting must have
- Did i just get asked out?
So this situation doesn't necessarily have much to do with zodiac signs but they might be playing a role. I'm a Virgo sun, cap moon, Libra rising, the guy I'm talking about is Taurus sun, Aries moon, and I think Scorpio rising. I'm a college student an
- Pisces amazes me
ilypisces♥ so..full of life.. Full of love to give So colorful.. So accepting Pisces is...Pisces‹3 ‹-- only pisces can describe the deepness of Pisces. Y'all are so deep, I'm lost even trying to describe. goddamit.
- What kind of women are Sun and Venus in Taurus men into?
Need immediate advice from people having these placements, He has a moon scorpio and mars cancer and I work freelance for him He is turning 30 this year, I am turning 25.
- Do you know your pet's horoscope?
- Not even astrology?
Do you sometimes feel like..they're not even looking at astrology? They're just bashing the zodiac sign of the person they don't like? You give them advice but..they don't want to believe that people with one sign are not all the same?
- Mars retrograde 2016
- What's it like to have an Aries boss?
About to have one for myself. He has us schedule through a Facebook page.
- Post your art, finished or in progress. :)
Crafts, hobbies, paintings writing... Whatever.
- Sick Ram
I'm sick today. 😔 When I get sick, I also get depressed. I feel really down because I'm not able to do the things I am usually able to do. What is more, my Aries energy abandons me, and I feel like I am letting people down because I'm not my typical
- I Cant Help it
When the radio plays my favorite song I just be in the car with my friend like
- Libra missing in Action
Hi me Cancer(Pisces Rising) and him Libra(Cancer Rising). Met this Libra online, been emailing for 11 straight days and then boom he went MIA. We are both extremely intelligent, funny, and romantics. Everything was going great he initiated each day co
- Libra missing in Action
Hi me Cancer(Pisces Rising) and him Libra(Cancer Rising). Met this Libra online, been emailing for 11 straight days and then boom he went MIA. We are both extremely intelligent, funny, and romantics. Everything was going great he initiated each day commun
- Libra missing in Action
Hi me Cancer(Pisces Rising) and him Libra(Cancer Rising). Met this Libra online, been emailing for 11 straight days and then boom he went MIA. We are both extremely intelligent, funny, and romantics. Everything was going great he initiated each day commun
.... :(
- Psychics
Libras have you ever spoken to one?
- Help with reading taurus
Please give me some insight on Taurus girls! How can you tell if they like you a lot - friend or otherwise? This girl texts me nearly every day and flirts sometimes and other times when i flirt she kind of brushes it off. She gets me little things all
- First fight
Do you remember what your first fight with your significant other was about and how you both reacted? Would you say that you have worked ok dealing with disagreements as time went on or do you fight the same?
- What was your worst relationship with someone who was suppose to be your Zodiac match.
I always hear about how great and amazing relationships are with compatible Zodiac love matches. But I'm curious to hear about how or why some sign matched relationships failed. Any Virgos wishing they could pay a assassin to take out their Scorpio
- how to fuck geminis mind?
Give them balloons
- Need your help people again ASAP
Someone hacked my Iphone, I'm afraid they restore all my apps and data to another phone, I already changed icloud id and password, also my basic email psw, do they still access anything? any app or information? I'm too desperate :(
- Scorpio moon and Taurus moon
Hey guys. So for some reason a lot of Taurus moon people have been every close to my heart. Unfortunately these relationships never last very long for me. However they have definitely been the most intense. My best friend of 5 years was a Taurus moon