April 27, 2016
April 27, 2016 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 27
Topics Created On April 27, 2016
- So get this...
I had...have...currently waiting for...a job interview for a job I JUST applied to within the last 24 hours. The manager basically sprang the interview up on me since I just placed my application in last night. They also practically insisted I come in ton
- Leo/ Aquarius love match?
Any insight on how these two signs get along romantically? I've been seeing an Aquarius for the last month it has been both amazing and tumultuous.
- Taurus Ladies
So I am flirting with a beautiful woman who contantly says she is old. She is only 48! What do I say to her? Do I ignore it or say something smart back...just don't know how to respond - She's 20 years older than me but age is just a number She is
- Need help archers
I'm a Virgo male definitely fallen for a sag, is eveyone on the same page as how the two won't work and if so how could it? Any ideas?
- Do you miss and/or still have feelings for any of your exes?
- What do Scorpio women think of Gemini men?
I ask because Scorpio women just seem to be my KRYPTONITE! They're so mysterious I fuckin love it. According to countless other sites we aren't compatible but I just feel like they complete me. They're emotional and me not so much. I also feel since we're
- Confused by my Venus in fire, Mars in Pisces
Hello all! I have Venus in Aries, Mars in Pisces and I'm trying to understand myself. I have this Venus in Aries that supposed to be aggressive, chasing after what I want. In reality, I'm very shy in love and have a lot of trouble being direct. Please
- Neptune = Cultural Icons?
Some astrology websites have said that people who under a strong Neptune influence become icons of some sort. Do you guys agree?
- What flaw do you have that follows your sign?
Sun sign, natal chart, aspects, etc.
- Libra and bipolar?
Anyone have this connection?
- Does your sign reflect your appearance?
I'm a bit skeptical. What is the distinctive qualities in appearance in each sign? Let me experiment: (My chart) Asc: Gemini Sun: Taurus Moon: Sag Venus: Taurus So how do you see me? Like what do you think I look like based on that? :)
- List of Beautiful Capricorn Men
Yes...inspired by Argo's topic on Scorpio board Appearance or personality 🙌
- Happy Birthday BG2! 🎂
Happy Birthday BG2! 🎂 I know you're an April Taurus but - May all your wishes come true! 🎠🎠🎠possible, May you have a happy birthday - in the company of your sisters! {}
- should I presue my cancer guy?
Okay so I know this cancer guy for about 5 years we met in 9th grade and our relationship is...werid. I always felt that there was an unspeakable attraction between me and him we both never acted on it. He used to do this really cute thing where he calle
- Us Gemini!
Are we really that terrible to women? All I hear about us is that we are difficult. We got the Worst rep out of the whole ZODIAC! Is it really us or we just too peplex for other sign to understand us?
- Idk about scorpios
Recently i know about 5 scorpio women this is business related nothing intimate. I feel they r good business ppl strong but when really comes down to things they seem fake and not really caring. For example all 5 we were supposed to do something with busi
- Pisces
What are your indoor/outdoor hobbies?
- the cancer board be depressing
I've never heard so many heartbreaking stories. I don't think I've ever met a cancer that wasn't upfront about what they want. I really don't think they can hide their interest/feelings. It's usually in their actions. Maybe the signs are ignored or they'r
- What are the flirting style of Sun Taurus, Mars Scorpio peeps?
- 5 Planets in Retrograde!
Very cool video
- Is this our destiny?
My god. I knew it from the first time I met him the way his eyes glistened that we were meant to be in each others life. We are so different, so different in every way possible. But I felt a connection so deep it's indescribable. My gut is telling me to k
- Anyone with Venus in 10th house?
Describe it ..who you attract and who's attracted to you. Do u attract people from work
- Science Finds An Interesting Link Between Wisdom And Heart Rates
For those that believe true wisdom comes from the heart may actually not be far from the truth. A new study has been published in the journal Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience that suggests heart rate variation and thinking processes actually work tog
- Prayer nine times, then publish
Powerful Prayer works immediately. Say nine consecutive times. Make the sign of the cross every time you say the prayer. Publish Immediately. Believe each word of this prayer as you say it and this urgent prayer for help will be granted. Amen. O Gre
- So, this Sun Aries Moon Gemini is back...
I think I posted awhile ago how I was into this Aries who had a Gemini Moon, Taurus Merc/Venus/Mars. He use to engage in conversation with me, via social media, privately and on his TL. After a year and some months of avoiding everybody, including me, h