June 14, 2020
June 14, 2020 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 14
Topics Created On June 14, 2020
- How to get back with my scorpio girl
I broke up with my gf around last year due to my parents didn't like her, she had different beliefs and faiths. So it has been a year now, she once sent me a thankful msg for my existence in her life and wished me good luck in my future before we stopped
- Don't know what's up. Sagittarius sun, Cap Venus, that's all I know.
Had an argument with my boyfriend last Sunday about something I assumed based on my observations. He told me that wasn't it. We got over it quickly right then. Next day I texted him asking to move forward and forget about the argument since he knows I get
- 🧳 Bucket list ✈️
-Where do you wanna go?
-Where you been?
- What to Expect?!? Aquarius Man & Cancer Female
Just a few points on how not to screw this up.lol What are some red flags & why is he sooo "busy" so soon.Did the deed once (-_-) marvelous...but how do they express interest? He's very sweet and romantic but what is an indicator of things going in th
- Is it hard for a Sagittarius to commit?
Whilst in the dating game what would make you want to commit to someone?
- Gemini man Cancer woman heart break
I like a Gemini male but after a little feedback bro disappears👻✌🏿.Quite sure he watches my IG cause🤳🏿 he always post similar posts after mine...sometimes.I'm never gonna chase him 🚫but just a little bummed out we didn't pursue a relationship 😔...wonder w
- Is he just NOT that into me? (LEO&CAP)
Hi guys,
There is a really cute (lol... <3) guy I liked since the first time i saw him, we are just studying in the same university!
The first time we was each other there was this really deep eye contact that almost left an impact on me, everytime he