June 16, 2020
June 16, 2020 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 16
Topics Created On June 16, 2020
- How reliable is a Gemini man in a long-term relationship/marriage?
I've been seeing a Gemini man for about 6 months, and he says he sees himself married and with a lot of kids at some point in the future.
I was not set on having kids, but the way he talks about them makes me want to reconsider (his heart seems to be in i
- Capricorn Mars woman & Aries Mars man Relationship
Anybody here have these placements?
Its well known that Cap & Aries doesnt work (unless you do ALOT of compromising!), but I'm wondering if Cap & Aries Mars works or not?
What are your experiences?
Good & Bad?
- I’m Afraid
I’ve been becoming extremelyyyy close with my childhood male friend for quite some time now. Shhhh. We’ve talked about taking each other seriously. And Boom! Just like that, now it’s months later and he asked me to start fresh with him and be his girlfrie
- Can Someone Tell Me What Dynamics They Can See In This Synastry + Aspect Chart.
Please see link to chart : https://ibb.co/m6qsHYM
Please see aspect chart : https://ibb.co/CMn3sKh
I'm still new to these interpretations, so would like to know if there is anything extraordinary that stands out.
Thanks again x
- Concerned about my Leo (.... I dont know if he is still “mine”)
Ok Leos..... please enlighten me just for my peace of mind. I met a Leo; and conversations were amazing and we got very into each other, we even have been talking about plans for the future ( near future). Yes, he is pretty busy and has a lot going on his
- Micros
Micro penises
I’m sure this topic has come up before cause some of y’all live seriously questionable lives...But now I’ve actually known someone to encounter one irl so I’m curious
What would you do if you were seeing someone for a couple months, he w