June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 8
Topics Created On June 8, 2020
- Venus in Fire signs VS Mars in Fire signs? Which one do you think more attractive and hot?
- Which smells do you associate with your moon sign?
Moon in Taurus (in 2nd) ~ Venus ruled
Vanilla ~ warm and sensual
Sandalwood ~ earthy
Lavender and Melissa ~ feminine (Venus)
- what in synastry
makes someone excessively interested/obsessive or passionate about you?
(not necessarily sexual/romantic)
but they tend to study you and follow you around
like you can talk about the most random, boring thing
and they just keep on gravitating towards
- Trine Elements
If you have two planets that Trine one another, will they always have placements in two signs of the same element? E.g. Scorpio and Pisces, or Leo and Sagittarius.
- He gets upset if I am upset
I am a Taurean in long distance relationship with Capricorn man. Just like any other relationship, sometimes we face situations where we are on conflict. We solve it and move past it, I am glad we have that kind of chemistry but there is something which I
- How Many Scorpios
How many planets in your natal chart are in Scorpio?
I have five: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto (also North Node).
- Taurus Man Mourning
I am new at this what is the best way to show support to Taurus Man after death of a close relative? I don't want to reach out when he would rather be alone. I want to respect his need for space during this time. Is this the right approach? What would yo