June 12, 2020
June 12, 2020 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 12
Topics Created On June 12, 2020
- Water moon sulking thread
Safe place for water moons to tell us what you’re sulking about at the moment.
- Renting or buying?
Do you rent or have a mortgage/own your home?
What are the advantages of both and if you rent, are you hoping to own your own home in the future?
How important is it for you to own your own home?
Could you state your moon and which house it falls in a
- Covid crisis making people extra thirsty
Bunch of people (mostly women) sending friendship requests on FB (besides the usual fake profiles..)
Anyone else experiencing it too?
- Casual situationship w/ Scorpio
Me: Gemini Sun, Cancer Moon
Her: Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon
I’ve been on/off with a Scorpio woman for 3 years now. When we first met, we hit it off instantly and were casually “dating” (she never wanted to make it official). We have had a couple fallouts, d
- Kefir
Has anyone bought grains and made kefir milk? My Health Practitioner recommended it for my stomach issues. Since drinking it, ive felt much better. It’s very soothing for the digestive system.
- How to relate to or flirt with him?
I have gotten curious about the world of astrology lately, and is usually very pursuant when interested in someone.
He is younger than me, been in three relationships in an age of 22 , and we met out having fun when i had left a relationship of many