June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On June 21, 2020
- After First Date
went out with an aquarius male and things seemed fine and he even asked me what I was doing the next night. After the first date he never texted me and its been two days. Why does he back off if he likes me and will he appreciate it if I am forward and as
- Am I in the wrong?
I have a friend who I have interest in but it’s really nothing more and I told him from the start I wasn’t looking for a relationship because I had just got out of one.
I’m very secretive around my friend like I don’t really open up to people and I find
- "Friends" and Jealousy 🤔
I had this homegirl. Saw her as a sister. We had a falling out and I walked away gracefully. In a nutshell, she wasn't who I thought she was. #mattersoftheheart
Over a year later, she reaches out to me via text. She started the text basically stating:
- Have you found your purpose in life?
I’m sure all this covid shit has caused major existential crises. Before all this all I cared about was looking the cutest at all the parties/events I went to, traveling, eating out, etc. I don’t think I can do any of those completely safe within the next