June 29, 2020
June 29, 2020 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On June 29, 2020
- Update on Aries woman dealing with older Taurus FWB
I had decided to just go with the flow and not really care if he contacts me or not. Treat it more casually and not care so much. It’s my first FWB so I’m learning. And things have gotten much better. I didn’t contact him again after my initial post. And
Finally i said no to weed smoking cigarette smoking disrespectful ex stripper slash hooker slash meth head.....i hate my love life
- Cancerian man feelings
So after 18 months of on-off relationship, the Cancerian guy finally confessed he loves me and said it twice in 3 months. Coronavirus, lockdown, so all was on a video call. Is he going to stick to it or change his mind?
I have had expensive gifts, and he
- I've lost my Libra friend
I have been friends with a Libra man for over 10 years. He is in a band and we first met by him just comming over and striking up a conversation with me and telling me how beautiful I was. I told him I was married. But we hit it off as friends and exchang
- Apocalypse Hobbies
What new hobbies have you picked up or re started since the pandemic hit?
Right before everything hit I was tapping back into my creative side and since going anywhere but work was not an option I had time to look at my surroundings. There is only so muc