June 17, 2020
June 17, 2020 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 17
Topics Created On June 17, 2020
- Eating booty... Do you???
Only if it's a really nice juicy ass like a Instagram model. She has to come straight out of the shower with with the bubbles in the crack of her ass. I have to know her so I know how clean she is, some women are dirty even the pretty ones. If all that is
- generational fears
Neptune is a planet (dreams/illusions/fantasy) that's just as 'negative' as Saturn (fears/restrictions)
but they must be the 2 faces of the same coin (also explains cap/pisces connection if that's what you're into)
coz fear has to be a perversion of a
- an aquarius giving silent treatment but checking up on me?
do aquarius contradict themselves emotionally? I know an aquarius values friendship above all else, and tend be detached from emotions, but I sensed an interest from her and told her about my feelings. Surprisingly, she said she felt the same but it caugh
- This June’s Mercury Retrograde Won’t Be As Difficult As Usual-👍
Here's to some good news! 🥂
Three or four times a year, we all go through the infamous Mercury retrograde. A retrograde occurs when the planet appears to travel backward in the sky, and in Roman mythology, Mercury is the messenger of the Gods. Our cosmic