June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 15
Topics Created On June 15, 2020
- Did Cancer Man just shut the door completely?
So about 10 months ago, I (30F) told a Cancer guy 37m (after hanging out with him for 6 months [*cringe]) I had feelings for him. He said 'we can be friends'. That's fair & understandable, so I started to move on. Started dating some people, not reall
- Is it friendzone forever with Cancer male?
So about 10 months ago, I (31F/Scorp) told a Cancer guy 37m (after platonically hanging out with him for less than 6 months [*cringe]) I had feelings for him. He said 'we can be friends'. That's fair & understandable, so I started to move on. Started
- Are pisces generally compatible with Sagittarius?
I’m a soft pisces, I am just the typical text book pisces and I have Scorpio moon as well but when it comes to dating other water signs it never gets far and I find it very boring.
However I have dated 3 people with Sagittarius placements and I feel like
- Jupiter Transits....
Are you going through a Jupiter transit and if so, how is it affecting you?
I'm going through this and can relate to it 100%
Jupiter transit to Natal Moon
When Jupiter transits the Moon it will influence all areas connecte