June 20, 2020
June 20, 2020 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 20
Topics Created On June 20, 2020
- Alriiiiight, help me decide
Should I ditch (aka throw away/give it to someone who could use it) my hair straightener...
Keep it "just in case"..
My hair has been wavy my entire life but has gotten curlier (like my mom's has) every few years. Maybe like, 7/8th grade it got a
- Ancient Mysteries horoscope history
- I keep attracting cancer men , aargh what’s going on?
If you follow me , I got out of a really long relationship with a cancer . It ended bad.
I don’t put myself out there as I’m not actively dating. However, opportunities keep setting me up in situations where I go on dates .
The last 3 were all cancer me
- Why do I self sabotage relationships?
I always have failed relationships because I am too afraid to let people in, like I won’t ever contact them first they have to contact me first otherwise we won’t ever speak again, I refuse to show any interest because then that makes me look “desperate”
- 90 Days Fiance Tell All
Did you watch it?
What are your thoughts?
Tom is Caps, figured he's Earth but the sass he's showing, I'm not familiar with in Caps. That down to earth behaviour, is very much earth behaviour.
Usman deserves better, Lisa is like Angela, loudmouth. Th
- Celibacy
Who in here is sexually abstinent.
I want to try this for a while, wish me luck.
- Podcasts/Blogs/Etc.
I'm always on the lookout for interesting content to read/listen to.
Any suggestions on topics that are of interest that you enjoy or can recommend?
It can be about anything like lifestyle, productivity, hobbies, etc.
I know TedTalk is a big one but wh