March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 2
Topics Created On March 2, 2016
From personal experiences Cancers are too sweet and people always assume we are weak.Then when we retaliate we up looking like terrorist who caused the world so much pain and anguish and end up feeling guilty...mabey we should be jerks from the start...CO
- Be Naked!
- Life is great
Share the good fortune.
What's happened recently to make you type it out all over the internet?
- How To Attract a Capricorn Man
she on point men?
- Is she trying to reconcile?
This Capricorn and I were once really close friends...and something. We flirted on and off but never srs. Most of all, we were good friends. We had a huge argument and stopped talking. Today i'm leaving work and she randomly makes a comment from behind me
- This Song...
- How long does it take you...
To know if a relationship is right for you? If that person is THE person for you? Just curious. Has nothing to do with the fact that i'm dating a libra lol
- dealing with a cancer woman
how do a sensitive man such as gemini deal with a cancer woman who says she care about him but don't want no relationship with him can any woman answer this who sun sign is a cancer I aware they are extremely emotional and sensitive
- Aquarius woman distant
Could any aqua women tells me the signs an aqua women likes/loves u?
- I think I may be a Gemini Addict!!!
My last 2 ltr were Gemini and I'm now seeing another Gemini, plus my best guy friend who I kinda crush on is Gemini...I think I may need to go to therapy lol. What is even stranger the new Gem has some of the same placements as my recent ex with the Gem
- Dance choreography...current favs
- Forgetfulness?
Hellooo rams! 🙌 (other Aries dominants too jump in and share!) How forgetful are you? Do you struggle remembering the little things? Do you find that you can forget about things rather easily...thus taking off the heavy emotional load that memor
- Crabs March LOVE
- Taurus and Aquarius - what's difficult here?
I have a hard time getting along with Aquarians. Those I know come across as know-it-alls trying to motivate me to change my whole life as they think I should live it. They're socially conscious but too much so for this Taurean. Sometimes I just want t
- How important are Birthdays to you girls?
Hi, so my GF's birthday is coming up on April 5. I was wondering how important are birthdays to you girls? Since she's overseas its kind of expensive for me to get her gifts and was wondering if Anniversaries are more important? However if Birthdays ARE S
- Best TASTING Greek Yogurt?
I love yogurt, I used to eat Yoplait all the time, but I switched over to Trader Joe's and never looked back! But I tried TJ's greek yogurt, and it was pretty good, sweet even like I prefer - but it wasn't really thick like I was hoping. People were ra
- Dreaming the same person everyday!!!
I've been having dreams about a friend of mine. She is always in my dreams and me and are no longer that close, but we use to be very close!.the other time I had a dream of her chasing me saying she wants to kill me, then I had a dream of me having a misc
- When matching two people, what aspects hold the most influence?
Like I said, I'm new at this, so I was wondering what aspects, planets and placements you take in consideration the most when matching people, couple wise.
- Cancer women -
Do you need to look upto a man that you date? Can you sleep with a man that you are emotionally detached from?
- Are Taurus Known For Being Observant?
Hola :) I just started hanging out with a Taurus man for the first time (we're still in the courting phase). We had a date the other day and I was sending a text to one of my girlfriends and he asked me if I was okay, I said "yea why?", to which he rep
- sex sex sex!
Why is sex so complicated for women! I've been having this problem lately where the anticipation of sex makes my mini me get shy and close up... this has been happening quite regularly and it started completely randomly.... once the man has broke down the
- Leo ex
what is better way to get a leo man back? ignore him or telling him that you want him back?
- How do you deal with heartbreak (more so disappointment)
Hey Aquas! I hope all is well. Recently, I broke up (err - something very similar) to my aries bf. Funny, he's actually an Ares/Taurus cusp. This is funny because the man I assumed was my first true love was a Taurus and they both carry some very similar
- Do Aries take responsibility for their actions + how they have hurt others?
Considering how the poor guy chased you for 3.5 yrs, getting his hooves out of that friendzone, and considering how you also told him "I can tell I'm going to be the one conceding", **despite** the fact of how much (and for how long) energy he has put int
- Sun: Libra, Moon: Aquarius , Venus: Virgo, Mars: Leo .. ARE THESE COMPLEX COMBINATIONS?
- Better the devil you know??
After dating on and off and knowing a certain cappy inside now ready to move on from him. I am rather nervous to say the least about dating other men...esp a SCORPIO! Ive been attracting alot of Aquarius for longest time but they just arent for m
- What can you all see?
Working with this person is like a war at times. Sad part is that it isn't intentional on either side... Any ideas on what makes working together so difficult for us both?