March 13, 2016
March 13, 2016 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 13
Topics Created On March 13, 2016
- lady cancers !!!??? why are we so fukin hot!!!
Just all around excellent beautiful fun and empathetic... We should all come together and endorse a "National Cancers are Awesome Day" ♋,😘
- Good signs from Cancer man?
Is it a good thing when a Cancer man stops disappearing on you? He used to do so, and often, especially during any type of confrontation, but hasn't in a couple of months. Also he FINALLY asked me to spend the night (I made no mention of it myself), this
- friend posted picture of me and her on her dating profile.
my good friend, is starting to date, and she made an online profile. Well after a couple months of her with profile and watching the TLC show(Love at first swipe), I was courious about her profile. I found her picture, on on profile pix is her face and ha
- How does this Virgo man see me?
 I met this virgo man at work. It took him a very long time to warm up to me, but eventually, we started talking over time and hung out in group settings. Whenever we went out as a group, he and I would end up in our own little conversations. I left that
- Is this a Scorpio trait..?
I have a Scorpio teacher, or at least he has very heavy Scorpio traits because he's always making a sarcastic joke and then he says "just kidding" haha and he has that "eagle face"...... But back to the topic, I was in class one day debating about women
- Pushed my bull away?
So I've been casually seeing a Taurus man, it's still fairly early in the courting phase. I let him pursue and he does 99.9% of the contacting. I'm incredibly forgetful and these last few weeks I've been working on a very important profect for school and
- Why Pisces men often complain about their partner to friends?
My Pisces guy friend often come and complain about his girlfriend to me. I have been telling him that he has to be real and express how he is feeling about things that he believe is hurting him. Or else she would have no idea about it. It also occurs t
- Need insight from Virgo men
Hi all :-) I need some advice regarding my Virguy co-worker. Here's the situation. Over the last 2 years, we've been getting to know each other, first as co-workers and then as friends. We've been having lunch together, just the two of us, once a week
- Would you date your best friend's sister?
Okay honestly to me it's nearly happened. But I had a giant sense of self doubt there, I feel like if I ever did then it would just be weird when it escalates from there. If there ever was a marriage, my best friend would be my brother in law but while th
- Dealing with an awful, toxic work environment?
Hello all! New poster here! Been lurking these forums for a while, and enjoy the insight. Thought I would be brave, and make a post of my own. Really, I just need a place to vent, but any advice would be appreciated. As a cappy, I take my work very seri
- Christ's possible Natal Chart
(Assuming you believe in Christ in the first place) he really a supernatural being and son of God, or just a strongly Pisces man? Could someone with a similar chart full-fill a destiny similar to his?
- Cap man in feminism
What are you thoughts on feminism CAPRICORN MEN? I am a feminist. And a leo. My loving Cap, I've noticed has an aversion to feminism (not towards me) as I've observed it in his reactions to others statements. I raised the issue last night and he was
- My ex crush cancer deleted me from fb! But then he contacted me on Viber... WTF?
That happened when I told him I'm over him and he begged me through his actions to be with him. I'm not mean, btw.Those who remember my thread know he used to be a real douche with me. So I told him we're not right for each other and he is still keeping
- Am I the only one who feels like every sign?
Every single sign from Aries-Pisces although I have pisces in the 7th house I'm very daydream-ish when I have time to reflect in thought. Granted I don't have too many planets in a single sign. But there is a lot of activity going on in my chart. Just won
- Taurus Male & Sagittarius Female
I'm interested in a women from a dating website. We occasionally message each other on FB. I'm a Taurus turning 30 this year. The Sagittarius is in their early 20s. We both work in the same industry and live in the same town. How do I let her know I'
- Hello beautiful people 👌......
Question for you guys. How would a libra man be described with these placements? Sag rising, libra sun, Aries moon, libra merc, Virgo Venus, Virgo Mars, Sag Jupiter, Scorpio Saturn , Uranus sag , sag Neptune, libra Pluto? Thank you all in advance!! 😊
- Advice on Cancer-Leo Cusp Friendship/Relationship
So I met someone a few months ago who is a Cancer-Leo Cusp. On paper, he is everything I would ask for (intelligent, supportive, funny, old-fashioned, attractive) and we see eye to eye on a lot of different things from as much as I can tell so far. I am a
- am I a cusper??
I'm a Virgo moon at 0° but I'm a little confused... I very much fit the Virgo moon, to me it's my strongest along with my sun but I recently read a thread where somebody mentioned being a cusper at 0° and it made me think that maybe I'm half Leo moon??
- Confusing Friendship or Relationship with Cancer-Leo Cusp
So I met someone a few months ago who is a Cancer-Leo Cusp. On paper, he is everything I would ask for (intelligent, supportive, funny, old-fashioned, attractive) and we see eye to eye on a lot of different things from as much as I can tell so far. I am a
- Crack Pipe
I found one in my backyard. no its not mine. yes, i know you're disappointed. what should i do?