March 31, 2016
March 31, 2016 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 31
Topics Created On March 31, 2016
- Someone once told me...
Best way to get over someone is to get under someone!
- Birth chart progressions
Is it possible for your moon sign to change but instead of going to the next sign it goes to the one before?
- Pisces suns, how does your moon sign balance you out...or tip you over?
Hello felloe Pisces, How does your moon sign balance you or tip you over the scales? I am a second decan Pisces with a moon in Aries. I would say the Pisces sun helps balance out any masculine energy from the Aries moon, and makes me quite ambitio
Cancer man or even females. Is it true that you always go back to your ex if you ever truly loved them? Even if they hurt you?? What is the motive or reasoning behind it and how long does it take you to go back??
- Zootopia
Disney, you outdid yourself with this one. ♥ Anyone else see it in theaters as well?
- im drunk....
I wanted to make a post, because I am really drunk. I am a shit person. People who are close to me I appreciate for only a short amount of time then I get bored. I am logic about everything yet I have no logic. I want somebody to understand me yet s
- Cancer guys and crushes?
This cancer guy likes me right, and I suspected it but wasn't sure until one time we were hanging out and he kind of told me so I made it clear I wasn't interested in him or dating at all right now (this was late last year) and I thought that was that and
- Birthday present for cancer women
I would like to know what type of present do you like to have as Birthday present. (for references)
- Sounds of Planets
Mercury -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- Vow of Poverty (posted on FB)
It's been fifteen years since my father last run for public office yet I could still feel the lingering effects today. While being the son of a former mayor has some perks and advantages, let me tell you its horrible parts. First, I could sense that other
- Do you put effort in to your gym clothes?
So I go to the gym and I notice the same group of people at the same time, and most people put effort into their gym clothes. Mine are boring so I was buying some more, I wont say which brand, but then I looked on a body building type forum and they were
- what is a cusp?
give me all the details
- Conditioner before Shampoo
Have you tried it? I did it today and the result is quite nice.
- Three Day Miracle Prayer to the Blessed Mother (Never Known to Fail)
O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother o
- Feel bad
Why do ppl feel bad when they cant help others? I have a weakness for this i really feel bad about not helping ppl. I cant say no. Do you have these issues? Im trying to work on it. Even at work i take on all projects i hate to let ppl down.
- Falling in lust and falling hard. Aquarius women, predator or prey?
As an Aquarius woman I find myself getting into experimental flights of fancy. The first of which were women. Lovely pliant partners that brought out my dominance for a while at least. Then, my first male partner. A tall handsome Cancer, that was keen on
- Why do you think my Aquarian friend stopped talking to me?
I know, the simplest answer is just to reach out and ask. Well, in all honesty, I don't want to. I'm afraid of coming off as needy. We haven't spoken in almost a month, and I'm not sure why. He's basically my musical soulmate, and used to send me bands an
- 4 Revealing Questions to Ask on the First Date
Supposedly these four questions will tell you the most about someone and are good to ask on the first date. complements of ---- 4 Revealing Questions You Should Actually Ask On The First Date First dates are always a little bit uncom
- Psyche
I don't know much about things but found this interesting for my psyche in scorpio - and it's sooooo true ... "She needs to know that she will not be lied to" The enchantress of love, psyche in scorpio is a strategist preferring to bewitch rather than
- Aries woman cancer man?
Hi there guys i've met this aries girl,we had a date,she seems nice,felt instant attraction,talked,watched a movie,climbed some walls ,laughed together and at the end of the date i kissed her ,she looked like she will slap me in the face and she was even
- I did it!!!
So after 2 strong and beautiful years with my cancer, I broke it off. Why? Because the last 2 months, we've been doing the long distant thing and it's been hell. If I missed a call, he says I met someone. If I answer after 3 rings, I won't hear the end of