March 29, 2016
March 29, 2016 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 29
Topics Created On March 29, 2016
- How to get this cancer man notice me and interested in me at all??
So there's this cute barista at my favorite coffee shop. I've been crushing on him since day one. He's always been nice and polite at me (or every other customers) but that's about it. The other barista knows about it and we're pretty close so she's b
- Taurus Ladies
do you have a penchant for bad boys? or bad boy appeal? the kind of guy that you can feel he is TROUBLE with a capital T, but you can't help yourself?? or is it possibly a combination of signs with the Taurus sign? I remember my Taurus sun aunt,
- Aries Love Triangle. Aries Male Libra & Virgo females
I'm the Libra. I'd like advice about my Aries Ex. I'm wondering if he's rebounding and expecting us to eventually get back together or what he's most likely doing. Okay. We were friends for 4 years before we even dated. I always had this "trance" over
- Aries Love Triangle. Aries Male Libra & Virgo females
I'm the Libra. I'd like advice about my Aries Ex. I'm wondering if he's rebounding and expecting us to eventually get back together or what he's most likely doing. Okay. We were friends for 4 years before we even dated. I always had this "trance" over
- Taurus moon and libra moon is this megnatic attraction?
- Progression VS Natal chart
I've just discovered that our Natal charts are subject to progressions. My Cap rising will soon progress to Aquarius apparently. Im super confused! in what cirstances would we look to our progressed chart as opposed to our natal. I.e. my current pr
- I vote to get CC banned. - Audience thread
Yeah :)
- How to confront a scorpio woman?
I had a friend that a scorpio well more like an associate, she and my ex guy friend (whom yes I got some goodies from) are now friends? When me and him went to dubai she was all flirty and such. Then she calls him to com pick her up from a bar. Now I'm no
- Jason Derulo appreciation thread
who else likes his music?
- Who is your dxp crush?
I'm just wondering... :P
- ---------------
Who is willing to listen what i have to say. Anyone without judgment who understands and accepts me for who i am.i am different.i do not fit in.i cannot live like most people do. I do not wish to smile all the time or talk.i like being silent. I need sile
- Tape Boobs
Has anyone ever taped their breast to wear a dress. I have a photo shoot tomorrow and they asked me if I could tape my boobs. Never had to do that does it hurt?
- 3 planets in 11th house
Hi all, Though i have been reading a few articles online, i still cant seem to figure out how the house positions actually work. I have recently found out that i have my sun, venus and Mercury all in the 11th house. The guy i am dating atm is an
- About God.
What are the traits you associate with God. Fair, just, feminist or chavinist, merciful and forgiving, discipliner, guide... Do you believe in a creator. Do you need one in order to have direction in life. A moral code. How do you think the world wo
- Venus in Scorpio people
Would you purposely make a girl that you like or love jealous? Would you intentionally act distant or silence or flirt with other female to gain some power in your part? If yes, what kind of responses were you expecting from it ? What will satisfy you? W
- Need help being ignored by Capricorn male.
I have gone on two dates with a Capricorn male. But he is very aloof. I don't know if he likes me. After our second date it was me that asked whether he wanted to meet again. He said yes but the following week as he's busy next week with work. I kissed
- what brings out your insecurities?
What can you do to help yourself become better, and not be insecure.
- Advice needed
I have gone on two dates with a Capricorn male. But he is very aloof. I don't know if he likes me. After our second date it was me that asked whether he wanted to meet again. He said yes but the following week as he's busy next week with work. I kissed
- Do Leos appreciate others going above and beyond?
In this case, Leo and I had a miscommunication over text message.He's not talking to me right now. We liked each other a lot and what's worse is that he's out of town. I tried calling him and left him a voicemail. Next day nothing. I got upset and blocked
- Stress
I find that when i'm stressed, I tend to shut people out and sleep A LOT! I also lose my appetite, am more sensitive and can cry at a drop of a hat. How do you act when stressed? Would like to know your sign as well. :)
- Cancer Women / Sagittarius Men
Success stories please! A lot of people say they don't know why these two signs come together so often. What about the Cancerian female attracts Sagittarius men?
- Question about Gemini man
How would a Gemini man act if jealous. Say he got hurt when he found out I had been talking to an Aries man while he was "falling in love with me" so he says... And I told him this- see I only ever rly had friendly feelings toward this gem. And so I told
- The Aries and his Bulge
So he's showing pics of his trip and in this one pic, his bulge is quite noticeable in his shorts. I was talking but then i got so sidetracked fantasizing whats in his pants that i totally started speaking in tongues. i hate the friend zone. lol
- Latest Full Moon
Did any of yall have some crazy ass shut happen to yall this past full moon? Or some drama get stirred up. I know I did I have a family member who has a breakdown EVERY FULL MOON like clockwork and i live right across the street from her so I end up
- This is going to be interesting this evening
So, there is an event that Scorpie and I are going to this Saturday. We're going to meet his parents for lunch. My ascendant has been picking out different outfits in my head for the last few days, I like to make a good impression of my best self for co
- dating a scoprio woman
Im also a scoprio and i was wondering if yall can give any advice about this type of relationship.