March 15, 2016
March 15, 2016 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On March 15, 2016
- Leo Men Witholds sex when upset
Or is this other aspects of the chart that yields this behavior..... (This is not for me, but my friend is also dating a Leo). Lately she says when they argue he will still speak to her but anything about sex is passive aggressive... And they alway
- Free-Spirited-Mind
deal in astrology/tarot/occult subjects. Some of their stuff resonated for me. They were offering free readings a while back, but it looks like that's been scaled down to free Sun and Jupiter reports. A lot of the focus is on house placements at
- Hot and Cold Scorpio Sun
Hi everyone! I'm having a really hard time understanding this Scorpio man. This will be somewhat long so I do apologize in advance. We met online back in December... talked via phone/text nearly everyday and then I disappeared on him. No legitimate reason
- Rice krispies
did anyone notice the rice krispies tasted a little more flavorful? worst part of waking up is urine in your cereal
- School
Have any of you just got up and moved for school and had chikdren? If so, how did that turn out for you?
- Couple's Workout
My boyfriend and I like to workout, and I would like to find a solid couple's workout that we can do consistently (BESIDES sexual things, DXP. I know your dirty mahnds!) So far we have done P90X, gone running, tried Zumba, yoga, competitive frisbee, h
- Some advice from unbiased minds :-)
the efforts required
- A little lost and dismal romantically
So I'm a virgo sun, aquarius moon, sagittarius rising. My Venus falls in virgo and my Mars falls in jupiter. I'm a physicist, or perhaps a student of physics would be more accurate. I've been looking for companionship and intimacy but I've been falling sh
- can I get some advice?
So I'm a virgo sun, aquarius moon, sagittarius rising. My Venus falls in virgo and my Mars falls in jupiter. I'm a physicist, or perhaps a student of physics would be more accurate. I've been looking for companionship and intimacy but I've been falling sh
- Aquarius with changing Careers- To be or not to be......?
I currently work as a qualified Accountant, I would say I earn well, however I really do not find joy in all of this corporate jungle, I have this constant nagging thought to change into something more flexible and something that will give me more freedom
- Aries man Leo Woman = Perfection!
Just want to say I have recently started seeing an Aries man. He's funny, intelligent, treats me like a queen and is a real delight. I wasn't too sure about him at first (had my guard up from having my heart broken by a Sagi and Libra) but now I think he
- Happy Birthday, Galina!!!
My Sweet And Dear Sister, May ALL your days be blessed with the peace that passes all understanding. And may the Almighty's Love and kindness that you share with others be returned manifold more even unto you. Surely, the Hand of God, is upon you a
- Lolling and hahhaing
I noticed I type lol and hahaha too much in everything I post and it's so weird, I went through messenger and I read old messages and I sound like a giggling school girl hahaha.....It's also hard for me to not do it, feels like the world will end if I don
- System Shock: Remastered!
- Confused about a Virgo
I really like this Virgo girl. I have just recently asked her out for a coffee but she declined. In the msg she said that I remind her to much of her ex girlfriend witch she is finding it hard to get over. Before all of this though I knew this girl
- Confused with my Pisces
I need advice on my Pisces bf we have been together almost 2 years living with each other for a year everything was going fine until his grandma passed away he started to loose hope then he lost his job a few months later his attitude has changed sometime
- Aquarius Moon Cancer Sun
I have my topic in the Cancer forum about this guy but I decided to post here in hopes that I can learn more about the Aquarius side of him on his moon sign. It has taken me sooo long & sooo much patience to get a little ahead of where we ever reached bef
- Falling for a capricorn
I met this capricorn Halloween 2015. We started seeing each other only on Fridays. After 3 months of Friday only dates we started spending the whole weekend together. He has a crazy ex he was with for 3 years, that he broke up with in July 2015 but was st
- My chakras
I don't know if chakras belong to astrology but here what I have just discovered: Your Root Chakra is Closed Your Sacral Chakra is weak Your SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA is weak Your heart Chakra is OPEN Your throat Chakra is weak Your THIR
- Is it really worth it?
That's a lot of work. I thought she was pretty enough before she smeared all that goop on her face.
- Need help with my scorpio boyfriend
My boyfriend and me have been in a relationship from December 2015 and we have seen eachother over a year. Except for a couple of meltdowns we have a perfect relationship. We see eachother five or six days in a weak and we talk every day. He is the one wh
- Are cancers forgetful?
My boyfriend of two years and i been doing the long distant thing for about two months now. The other day I sent him a "I love you" type package with his favorite things. He called me today and continued to tell me he loves it, but what threw me off was h
- cancer guy
Hello ! So there is this cancer guy I was really close with (I'm a cancer myself). He was really clingy, kind and he often complimented me. He said to a friend that he really liked me but I wasn't sure if I liked him back so I didn't do anything. We didn
- "I use."
This is listed as the Capricorn motto in many descriptions. I am very curious to hear from both sides: Capricorns, and how they feel about this, and people that may have felt used by a Capricorn. I have seen two Capricorns together doing what someone else
- Aries Man won't leave me alone!
I have tried everything to get this Aries man out of my radar but nothing works! I've ignored him, cancelled our plans on last minute, spoke to him about how I am not into him, but he just doesn't get it! He still refers me as his girlfriend! He has
- Just a stupidly simple questions.
Feminism means equality of the sexes. Right? If Equalitarian also means the same thing, then the following questions come to mind. -1] Why do we have two different labels for the same ideal/goal/belief. -2] You always see a feminist support trying to
- To improve productivity, men are offered paid leave to masturbate
Bud Baxter, a director at Coexist, said: “As a manager of staff I have seen men really suffer with their blue balls and I have found them doubled over in a lot of pain. “They feel guilty and ashamed for taking time off and often sit at their desks
- Which chart is the most sexual(sexy, magnetism) of this 2?
Need a opinion on this, please!!! A woman with: Sun Scorpio 10°10' Moon Gemini 14°11' Mercury Scorpio 18°12' R Venus Libra 21°52' Mars Scorpio 25°16' Jupiter Libra 28°21' Saturn Aquarius 23°
- Another Gemini/Scorpio Quagmire
Met a scorpio guy online last November, we exchanged daily emails for two weeks before deciding to meet up... It wasn’t love at first sight but he slowly grew on me. We have the same interests, the same values… I love the way he thinks, his kindness,
- Most sexual(sex appeal, sexual magnetism) of this 2 charts?
Need a opinion on this, please!!! A woman with: Sun Scorpio 10°10' Moon Gemini 14°11' Mercury Scorpio 18°12' R Venus Libra 21°52' Mars Scorpio 25°16' Jupiter Libra 28°21' Saturn Aquarius 23°
- Do you prefer aspects to your Sun, Moon, Venus or Mars for Romance/Relationships?
Preferable state your Sun, Moon, Venus & Mars and whatever aspects you see as a trend..
- Capricorn Style
Share the pics people of men and woman showing off that Cappy Class style!
- Re scheduled Randomly
So I spent an entire weekend texting with a colleague from work. It was really flirty texting and definitely thought he was interested in me. We had plans to go have drinks today but instead I got a text message yesterday around 5 o'clock stating he neede
- Any men/women in a relationship with an age gap more than 10years?
How is it working for you? If you're not would you consider it?
- key to happiness in my chart?
Hi everyone, anyone up for some chart interpretation? I've noticed some recurring themes in my life include major financial ups and downs and instability in personal relationships. It's like I'm on this cycle but this year I'm just like, "Uh uh, som
- Pisces guy..
Hello everyone! :) I would really appreciate your help to understand this guy... Long story short. Pisces man (early March), 24, nice, kind, friendly.. but I guess with everyone. From my perspective, he likes me.. Has said a lot of things, but only as