March 27, 2016
March 27, 2016 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 27
Topics Created On March 27, 2016
- Which signs from the opposite element do you think are the most alike?
For example I believe an Aries (fire sign) would be most like a Scorpio (water sign) because both can be destructive and both have a sense of adventure. What do you think? Here's my list: Aries - Scorpio Leo - Cancer Sagittarius- Pisces Tau
- Happy Easter DXP!!
..... And God bless that little baybee jeebus that done got strapped up onto some scaffolding or some shit.
- Everybody, check out m'slug!
I keep him? Normally I just take em outside... If he wasn't so big- it's gonna feel like I'm peeling a giant, moving turd off my closet wall tho...
- What is it about Leos that you like?
Dear Aries, Why do I attract you all the time? I love you guys but you always make me regret going back to you. You're hot and you're cold, you're yes and you're no, you're blabla (I've forgotten the words to this song) but you get me right? You wan
- What if you rejected your soul-mate?
Due to their sign you pass them up but their the most compatible with you astrologically speaking.
- The Virgo Taurus debate
I've read that Virgos disrespect Taurus because Taureans think intuitively while Virgos are practical and logical with little tolerance for intuition. Have you ever had a Virgo try to "fix" you? Yes, many times and I think this is where our relatio
- Perfect reality or game show for the signs.
Not to watch but to participate in.
- Planets on the cusp of the next house
Do you count those in the existing house or in the next house? I know sometimes puts planets that are very close to the next house in the second one. Is this common practice and in that case, in which situations if not all? Or could you choose w
- Geminis actively preferring long distance relationships?
Hi, I've noticed a lot of gemini males (esp. those who have had a history of many relationships), seem to actively prefer to date those living at least 2 hours away. Obviously, I know sometimes it just happens by chance but if someone's relationship his
- FWB Called/Texted Me Drunk
My FWB called me 4 times last night but I missed them all. Then he started shooting off texts saying how he missed me, wanted to take me to dinner, just to lay with him, and then saying he missed me again. Kind of weirded out by this. Should I just pr
- Blame it on your Transits!
I just wanted to make a thread were people can come and share their ups and downs at any time, without actually having to take responsibility for them.
- Virgos and pet names
Hey hey virgoans, tell me if u use pet names on your SO or not and why (if not) :) Just curiouuuus, so please no stuff like "if your virgo doesn't/does..." This q is in no way related to my personal life and I asked this just out of plain curiosity :)
- emotions and feelings
Do you believe ppl who have a hard time with showing feelings and emotions love the hardest and are afraid? What r ur thoughts? I think.its somewhat true. The pll in my life who were defensive mean cold loved the hardest. They had a wall up out of fear of
- Changing House System
For some things at, and such, Placidus is default, ofc, but the placement of the planets and the sign rulers make no sense for my chart in Placidus, so I'm switching to Whole Signs. I've been talking about Vehlow before, but realised that althou
- Guess the Dxp User
Use words, phrases, or gifs to copy any member here. we will try to guess who. who am i? *tosses my hair* *looks in mirror* i am so sexy and i know this. wait. you will see when i put my pictures up. IF i put them up ever. but until then,
- Aquarius male and Sagittarius female, what to expect?
Hey guys, here's my situation. I've been talking to an Aquarius guy online for a couple of months now, things are going great (I think). I'm a Sagittarius female, moon in Aquarius. This started out with him straight up asking to "Take me out" which I ass
- Cappy guy , is he really into me?
I love my cappy guy so much and i wish i would knew if he feel the same thing too.. I ended up the relationship twice coz he is giving me mixed signals. He did not talk to me or even text me for 3 weeks and came back after, as if nothing happen. I was hur
- Can I get close enough chart without birth time?
I'm trying to figure out someone's chart. I know all but birth time. Would I still get some of the houses correct?