March 20, 2016
March 20, 2016 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 20
Topics Created On March 20, 2016
- Aries: Sun, Mercury AND Venus! Moon in Scorpio - where is my soulmate???
Whooooo on earth can deal with so much female fire and still be manly? My sun, mercury and venus is in Aries. I am absolutely too much for the average man to deal with but on the flip side who want to be with a wimpy guy? I'm NOT going to stop my shine
- Sun gazing
Does anyone here practice sun gazing? I've heard of all sorts of great benefits. I'm still somewhat under the impression that you can go blind from it...this opinion may change once the spots clear up in front of my vision, lol. I was wondering why the
- Felis Silvestris Catus
- Mars/Pluto square : who´s in danger?
Hi everyone, I´m new to this and looking for an explanation of my Mars (in Leo, 1st house) square Pluto (in Sagittarius, 4th house). This aspect is supposed to bring in violent behaviour as well as force of will, but the descriptions always focus on the
- North Node in Scorpio : any advice to find my true calling?
Hi, apparently one is supposed to follow the path of the North Node away from the South Node. Mine in in Scorpio in the 4th house, and I should get away from the SN in Taurus in the 10th... any advice on how? I know, I know, honesty, depth, ect all come
- Find me a career! (pleaseee)
So that´s me : Sun (Aquarius), Moon (Capricorn) and AS (Leo) MC (Aries), North Node (Scorpio) What would I be best at doing? :P
- Please help me figure this out. Pls don't judge.
I'm a Sagittarius, I had a boyfriend for 3 years. We broke up 2 years ago. (Final time and I moved across the continent) before that we would break up but still contact see each other in a moment of weakness. Relationship was very intense. At the time
- Pope Francis on Instagram
- Happy Birthday Fragrance! :D
Wish you a happy happy birthday Fragrance! :D Hope the fragrance is pleasing to you! :D it is small but is cute :p wish your year ahead is lovely like you are, and brings joy and motivation.. â¤
- series of composite charts - which looks worst/best and why?
Composite chart 1: chart 2: chart 3: will say that two of the three have since ended, but I want to learn more about composite charts so I want to hear inputs from others as to why/how, etc. What aspects or placements show certain traits? What WO
- To all the beautiful Taurus woman
I am asking this question on behalf of my Taurus friend - Capricorn or Virgo men? which one you choose? why?
- why do Aquarians cheat?
PLEASE DONT COME HERE JUST TO WRITE A HATE COMMENT, IM AN ADULT, I WILL LEARN MY OWN LESSONS. If you've never cheated this obviously isn't for you. But a while back I posted about this aqua guy that I slept with, we've slept together about 3 times n
- Aries woman confused about Taurus man
I met this Taurus man at church he noticed me before I noticed him. I caught him looking at me a few times then a few weeks later he asked me for my number. We had deep intelligent conversations from our lives past, present and what we want for our future
- 8th house stellium in composite chart?
There is a guy I'm seeing. Our composite chart has a very intense concentration on the 8th house- Sun and Mercury in Leo, and Venus and Mars in Cancer are all there with a bunch of conjunctions. Then in the second house we have the Moon conjuncting b
- aries ex contacted me.
Hi all, Pls help me, especially aries man. so here is the story: I have known this aries man for around a year, he suggested to date, and for me, I'd prefer either friendship or relationship. so i talk to him (want to ask him if he want to get into
- Happy New Year!
From Cafeastrology: March 20, 2016 The Sun enters Aries today, marking the time of the Spring equinox and the start of the astrological New Year, at 12:30 AM EDT. The Sun will transit Aries until April 19th. In Aries, the Sun is enthusiastic and s
- Taurus male confusing me
I met this Taurus guy 18 years ago, when I met him I had that "he'said the one" feeling. We went out with friends and he finally kissed me. It was something I can not describe, he would call and I can't say no to him. I ended up engaged to someone else 13
- Do you believe in Astrology ? Would you like to have a 1 to 1 chat with one ?
Hello everyone I am doing some research & looking for people who have a genuine interest in Astrology. I am working on a project providing a 1 to 1 chat service with an authentic team of Indian astrologers . The service allows you to have an app b
- Do you believe in Astrology ? Would you like to have a 1 to 1 chat with one ?
Hello everyone I am doing some research & looking for people who have a genuine interest in Astrology. I am working on a project providing a 1 to 1 chat service with an authentic team of Indian astrologers . The service allows you to have an app b
- Should I give Pisces man a second chance?
Pisces man has been a absolute handful the past 7 months. I made up my mind I was done with him and showed it by cutting all contact with him. He came hard after me and did the unexpected. He has never told me he loves me but for the first time he did. He
- What would I be like as a mum?
What do you see?
- How To Show A Cancer Man You Love Him?
How does a woman show a cancer man how much he is loved and wanted? What things have women done in the past for you that truly made you feel loved by their actions alone?
- Powdered doughnuts are like penises
You're less likely to get covered in white stuff if you shove the whole thing in your mouth. I get my best revelations when I'm driving...and apparently while eating powdered doughnuts.
- Mafia Game 10
- Aries Venus and forgiveness?
what are the chances of a Venus in Aries forgiving you for being a dumb broad and making a mistake purely out of just trying to be agreeable and friendly, but totally fucking up in the process.. basically....I fucked up and I'm aware. but I didn't mea
- Polymagnets
- Anyone here
Watch the X-files revival? It's seriously reignited my fangirldom for this show. I remember hearing about it awhile back when they announced the 6 episode series and wasn't quite sure what to think. But when I saw it, it was like, "omg I fricken mis
- Best time in my life...
I never actually knew what that whole Libra/Sag spark was about. But now I do. This man is sweet, caring, adventurous, but also stable...(he lets me know exactly where we are in the relationship without me asking.) I feel so secure with him. I've met his
- Born on same day and year
Me and my boyfriend are both born on June 18th, same year and everything. We are so alike yet so different at the same time. We've been on and off so many times also with our longest break being a month. But as soon as we get back together everything is j
- Let me see inside that head of yours...
Post your following signs before answering please: [Signs: Sun-Moon-Mercury-Rising.] Question One: You ended up at the wrong place, at the wrong time and are now involved in a situation you're not quite 100% sure of. All you know for sure is that now
I'm In Junior High
- Cat or Dog Person ?
I don't believe astrology can determine sign prefers one pet over the other but I find it interesting to see of there are any correlations between preference and sign. I'm an Aqua/Pisces and I am Dog person. Aside from being allergic to cats, they're t
- gemini x pisces - what to love, what to hate
Some of you here have a really good eye for this astrology stuff. Can anyone give me any insight on this relationship?? Sun: Gemini Moon: Scorpio Mercury: Gemini Venus: Taurus Mars: Gemini Jupiter: Pisces Saturn: Aries Uranus: Aquarius Neptune:
- Thanks giving for new job!
DEAR HEART OF JESUS In the past I have asked for many favours, this time I ask for this special one. Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it with your own broken heart where your Father will see it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour, n
- Daddy issues
So, we all know that people with daddy/mommy issues will have trouble in their relationships... Unless they overcome said issues, right? I was wondering, do you have daddy issues? Does it affect your love life? Or any relationships you have with people?