March 25, 2016
March 25, 2016 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 25
Topics Created On March 25, 2016
- Scorpio and Aquarius dominant, Sun in Sag - confused
Hi guys, this is my first time posting here, even though I've been reading the fora here for quite some time. Needless to say I feel like a schizo sometimes as you could probably guess from the title. I would like to know more about astrology since that w
- Wendy Williams
She says it takes 9 months for a man to know what he wants. Does it take a cancer man 9 months to know what he wants because rumor has it, cancer men takes forever to commit and know what he wants..... I'm not big on her beliefs, it's just that she's a
- Freedom!
I broke it off finally, no more secretive Capricorn!!! Whoop whoop!!!!
- Why Is "Respect" So Important To Capricorn Women?
I don't get it.
- Aries crushing on Taurus girl
Howdy. I've always read posts like this but never quite made one myself. I'm an Aries who's been crushing really hard on this Taurus girl for quite some time. She's absolutely stunning, and I haven't been able to tell if she's been friendly or flirting wi
- Leo-virgo lady hard to read
OK Leo's, Virgo guy here needs help with a Leo -Virgo lady who has her Venus in Cancer. We've been friends for 3 years and due to my virgo insecurities I've just recently realized how much I'm into her. I'm trying to take it slow because I don't want to m
- Guy ended up being no good after all.
Im at a lost for words! I mean I am truly at a lost for words! This cancer guy I've been dating for over 7 months has been in a relationship the entire time!!! I am so hurt by this. I found out because his "ex" (the entire time, they've been dating) up
- Your happy endings
I see so much pain and sad stories on here... How about the happy ones? Give me your best stories, the ones where you fell in love and stayed in love, the ones where it was first hardship then happiness, the unexpected happy endings, the good stories... W
- Taurus husband was seeing a girl behind my back
Many times I have tried to leave and he wouldn't let me, then I kicked him out and he would be begging to come back until eventually he admits fault and rings the girl in front of me to call it quits! What do I do now? From a Taurus point of view shoul
- Why is it
I'm talking about the girl at the supply place I'm 99% sure she's a Scorpio the way she talks and her demeanor. Picking up supplies today another customer was the office she's all cheerful she's being nice to me I go out load up the materials I'm picking
- I had a dream I killed my family
I can't remember a lot of it. But what I do remember is getting a big butchers knife from my kitchen and stabbing my mum, dad and two older sisters. My younger sister wasn't in the dream at all maybe because I'm really close to her. I woke up really confu
- Really enjoyed this...
...I know we have a Writing forum (for the more pedantic of you)..but I feel it belongs here. Went over my misprononciation mistakes. Maybe we could do vocaroos. Either way...
- which hand
Do you wear your watch? Left or right why?
- I'm just gonna start a Norma Reedus appreciation thread
Because he's rad. Southern gents ya'll!
- Scorpio men mind games
Is their anyone else out there who has experience mind games with their Scorpio boyfriend/husband? If so how did you deal with the issues at hand?! Please share stories
- Batman v Superman
The only thing i remember was the pizza i ate while watching the movie. Id rate it a C-
- Should I Take This As A Compliment?
The Aqua guy I've been talking to over the years has never once complimented me on the way I look (although he has no problem telling other girls that they're cute/pretty easily) but likes to stress on how much he loves my brain and how I think. I find it
- Opinions?
What do you think of his placements? Sun, Mercury and Mars: Scorpio Moon: Taurus Venus: Virgo
- Psyche in Scorpio?
Spill your secrets. They're anonymous.
- Gender Equality - A Fair Game Burqa for Feminists
A gift for the feminists - Hey lady streaker! Vote For Hillary is a Vote for Obama. A vote for Obama is a vote for Islam. A vote for Islam is a vote for the man. How's that grab ya???
- What are Pisces Sun Gemini Moons like?
I'm confused. One loves art but explained that society does not consider it manly. His mind travels at 100mph on both sides and he is surprisingly intelligent. He's very dreamy and sweet.
- How does your zodiac sign act on the internet?
I think Sagittarius are kind of hard to find. When I do find them, they seem nice enough.