October 8, 2018
October 8, 2018 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 8
Topics Created On October 8, 2018
- Taurus/Taurus relationships
Any Taurus women want to elaborate on your dating experience with a Taurus man?
- Are women slaves?
I'm talking about gender roles in typical relationships. If the guy earns more and is the bread winner, are women expected to earn their keep by cooking and cleaning? Are we paying a future debt by doing it before we have children and become the stay at h
- Houses??
I'm really confused...
I have moon in libra
But it says I have moon in libra in 2nd house.
However my second house has virgo in it...
I have sun in capricorn
It says I have sun in the 5th house but sagittarius is in my 5th house...
I guess which ev
- Dating standards by zodiac sign
Have your standards gotten higher or lower as you've aged? What has become more, or less important to you now?
ARIES (March 21 - April 19)
You're done if he's a lazy-ass. It's one thing if he has occasional lazy times but when he never wants to do anythi
- Seeing Angel Numbers (11:11 2:22 4:44)
Since the end of August I have been seeing constantly the time at 11:11 1:11 4:44 2:22 5:55
It has gone from once every few days to twice a day at times. I have literally woken up at 4:44 am. I was manifesting and meditating heavily in the beginning of
- Men, under what circumstances would you remain friends on Facebook
with the woman who falsely accused you of sexual abuse
- Which placements would make you love kinky
freaky and unusual sex, crazy fetishes and any other strange sexual need you can think of??
- Virgo man with Taurus woman; your thoughts
- Cappys Getting Over Their Past
Cappys how did you get over a hurtful past relationship? Are you really over it? Do you have or had commitment issues?
- Hunger Games thread signup
Because I'm bored to a fault.
Just sign up and tell me whether you want to join here and the district if you want. Maximum of 24 players, there's no rules really because it's done through the hunger games simulator which is purely luck based and no strat
- How are caps when dating?
I am just wondering how capricorn males are when they start talking to someone. Whats their dating style and how to know if they are interested, losing interest or maybe just trying to take things slow.
I have been talking to one for 3 weeks, he was very
Just realized that there is one of these for the Eighties and Seventies, but none for the Nineties...
- Scary shit that happened in a WalMart
bonus points if its a 24hr walmart
- #13 in Astrology - Meaning
I've been going through some life changing events in my life.
In august, I was at the office searching for a new apartment to move but I wasn't finding anything great. Suddenly, in the following month I was at the office when I said loud to a co-worker