October 2, 2018
October 2, 2018 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 2
Topics Created On October 2, 2018
- Aquarius woman + Leo man
How does this pair go! From experience or from just observing
I usually see leo girls + aqua guys
so idk!!!
Talking to a leo now :) pisces moon gemini venus cancer mars !!
- Aw pisces sibling
This made me tear up a bit as it showcased just how protective and sensitive a Pisces can be towards a loved ones pain. She would not let her Aqua sister go.
- Question
This post is going to be petty af. Just a heads up. What will a Sagittarius man do if I go off on him for texting me? When I know he has a serious relationship. Back story is, he basically used me as a placeholder for his current gf and I basically told h
- How would a Taurus guy treat someone they’re hooking up with v someone they’re catching feelings for
- Not Over An Aries Ex... again
He doesn't know I'm not over him and I'm not contacting because he's in another country
Only your guys know about this bad habit of mine. I can't get over him, I think about him all the time some day more than others. Today is one of them, so I need to v
- Help with a Scorpio girl
I met her 2 weeks ago, she went to my place, common friend invited her. My friend knew I had a crush on this scorpio girl so she kept giving hints to the group, asking me to pass the drink to her, or get SG something. At fist, I was just laughing and jus
- Do Pisces women swear a lot?
I know a few Pisces women who are all lovey-dovey on the outside with friends and family but would suddenly turn into this cuss machine at home... they don't care who, or how filthy the word is, they just spit it out of their filthy mouths...
- Sun opposite Sun Transit
What would this bring for an Aries sun 11th house?
I've read an interpretation that this could bring a Lucky and odd encounter as Transit Sun is in Libra, my 5th house.
- Aries 11th house - Effects?
I've done a quick research
- Being your own friend
- Leading groups
- Amassing a following
- Entrepreneurs
- Athletes
- Social media creators/innovators
- Military friends
- Friends with males
- Understanding this Virgo man
Long story short...I’ve been communicating with a Virgo man. He’s 43 and I’m 26. I went up to him and told him I’m attar ted to him and would like to see where this goes. He agreed on a FWB setup however it’s been 7 months and we still haven’t had sex. We
- Odd dream
I had an interrupted dream last night and I kept thinking about it.
Basically the dream starts with me sitting in girl A's bedroom with another person who I forgot their face already. Girl A is my classmate and she's a nice girl, although due to our pers
- Cap male perspective or tips on new interest
I met a guy online. We talked for a week he asked me out, i had had to cancel but rescheduled for a few days later. We had a great time and our connection seemed great our conversation was easy. (I'm a pisces)
A few days later he said he wanted me over to
- what does it mean when virgo male reaches for his ex?
Well, not quite an ex, more like a f*budy (but i guess they were friends also)
We've been dating for 3 and a half years, I'm a libra (27) & he's a virgo (34) & we moved in together 5 months ago and things have not been peachy lately....
When we st
- "You don't quit your job. Unless you already have another one"
My boyfriend said this to me last night in relation to relationships. He says in his experience (and I'll say in mine too) people tend to stay in a relationship until they have another interest lined up.
What do yall think? Do you agree?
Thinking about
- What went through Scorpios head?
I’m not sure why I still care.. but I’m having a bit of a hard time getting over him ugh! Maybe if I knew how he feels about me I can get some closure because he basically blocked me after this.
The final showdown went something like this (yes we broke u
- Capricorn women
Do you do friends with sex? or are you going to pull out a legnthy relationship contract of your conditions & expectations?
- No clue what to do with this girl //UPDATE//
Hey guys, this is just a quick wee update to fill you in on how things have been going with this Leo girl.
After I had a drunken breakdown, we both spilled the beans on how we felt about each other. I told her I'd fallen for her and apparently if she "w
- Found a hairclio by his bed..
So my BF and me were at his place. I was fixing the bed while he was in shower and found a big hair clip by the foot of his bed. He has no daughters and no woman over.. it’s not mine. I got upset.
He wasn’t defensive and said he genuinely doesn’t know h