October 18, 2018
October 18, 2018 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 18
Topics Created On October 18, 2018
- 10 months later. Wtf?
So I cut off a Capricorn dude about 10 months ago from my life because, 1 I had heavy feelings for him, but he just kept playing games with me. And 2, I discovered he had a girlfriend while he was still snooping me. I was heart broken, but I dont want
- How many of you are owning your 10th house?
They say it’s the house of career/how you carry yourself in public/how you move up in the world.
How does it work for you?
- How do you fight with your SO?
Are you and your partner like your sun, moon or mars (what sign are they), when it comes to fights or are you a combination of those signs? Do you give in first or do they?
Bonus question: How do I beat a Cap moon? 🙄
Aries, I know you hate losin
- Libra man Gemini woman | Fight
Gemini here. I dated a libra man for four months. It became hot and heavy quick. Sex every other day, dates, dancing, dinner, outdoors.. etc. I was about to travel to Europe for a month. We laid in bed and chatted for about an hour about our future. He wa
- Your vedic moon sign versus your western moon sign, which one you relate more?
- Should i fix it between us or leave it?
Hi... soo am asking this because honestly i’m sooo lost between “should I be patient and wait, or he isn’t worth it” ... and if i’m wrong please advice me i would like to change if there something wrong i’m doing..
So its the same guy in my previous pos
- Last Movie Watched
Nice movie.
- The most dramatic sun signs?
OK, heres the thing,
the aqua I'm talking to.. we had an argument before he claims sometimes i cause unnecessary drama and he doesn't want trouble or drama dah dee dah dee dah
Fire signs, not ones famed for discretion, usually throw some sort of temper tantrum. They get irritable and impatient, and will be either explosive or seething. Ignoring the more emotional aspects of the moon, like sadness and depression, is a very bad h
- I am very confused by Pisces man
So I’ve known this Pisces male from ab Facebook group and we’ve been talking on and off since may. He’s very closed off and doesn’t reveal much. We fight when we’re on , because he doesn’t open up. I know he’s struggling with addiction, and he has a very
- Confused by Pisces man!!! Says “I love you” randomly??!! Help!!!!
So I’ve known this Pisces male from ab Facebook group and we’ve been talking on and off since may. He’s very closed off and doesn’t reveal much. We fight when we’re on , because he doesn’t open up. I know he’s struggling with addiction, and he has a very
- Letter to you that I will never send
Dear V,
We haven't talked for 7 months now. Are you thinking about me? How is your life now?
I saw that you started new project like you said. And, I'm glad you did. I wish you all the best..
I thought time will help to heal. I don't know why.. it does
- Venus Square Saturn (natal aspect)
Hey guys!
I've been thinking...
Let's face it, most of us love a bit of Venus (I'm a Taurus sun with a 7th house Stellium, including venus in the 7th, so of course I do). However, a lot of people tend to put a negative spin on anything Saturn related,
- Need advice for a Scorpio woman. From a scorpio woman would be appreciated.
This Scorpio lady, we went to primary school together. She doesn't remember much. found her accidentally on Instagram. Message her, and told her we went to school together. We talked a bit. Sent her pictures of us in school. During this time she was in Ne
- Any ideas on these placements?
Venus Conjunct Midheaven
Venus Trine North Node
Apollo Conjunct North Node
Venus Trine Eros
Eros Conjunct POF
Does anybody have any ideas or experience with these placements and what they mean? Just curious.