October 22, 2018
October 22, 2018 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 22
Topics Created On October 22, 2018
- Gem/Scorp everyrhing
Gemini Woman + Scorpio Man
There is no lack of intrigue surrounding this couple, even at the outset of the relationship. Often, they represent forbidden fruit to one another-each or both being in an existing bond-and thus start a romance in sec
- Men & flirting
From a single mans perspective, Why do chicks get mad when u flirt with muliple women in the same setting? Ive ended up empty handed in some situations because i didnt choose one person to give my attention for the nite. Why so much pressure without commi
- The beginning of astrology
How does all this chart started? And who start it?
- Sagittarius acting 2 faced
Why is it that my sag ex can ignore me in person but then text me she loves me and to be safe when I ain't around? I honestly don't get it. I need to fake my feelings I told her to her face that i love her and she said it back without looking at me. Makes
- compatibility virgo and aries?
virgo with all leo placements and sag moon, pisces jupiter, taurus saturn
aries with libra moon/rising, aries mercury/venus, taurus mars, jupiter and saturn
- Seeking advice about Pisces ex
My Pisces ex and I started dating about 9 months ago. He ended things a few months ago the first time but we got back together. He was telling his best friend he wanted to spend his life with me and a week later he broke things off. Said he didn’t want to
- When a virgo likes someone how do they act?
Hi. I have a virgo crush I cant quite figure out. He's always been very nice and friendly, and a little shy with me, but then out of nowhere after what I felt was a great conversation where we connected really well, the next week he's kinda distant and al
- Nodal Returns
Anyone with a north node in cancer?
North node moves backwards and will be leaving Leo and heading into Cancer next month.
- Advice about this Aries Crush
So I have a crush on this Aries guy I met two weeks ago on Tinder. But I had to cancel on him several times due to multiple issues arising and I think his ego got hurt and he is loosing interest. So any advice would be helpful.
He’s basically been chasin
- Why won’t this Gemini man leave me alone??
Back again lol. I know y’all are tired of hearing about this boy. So basically he’s been breaking up with me, and then an hour later coming back saying he didn’t mean it. Idk what to do. He changes his mind constantly! We fight over petty things, and now
- what do you think about this chart?
Hello i just want you to take a look at my chart and honestly say about it.
when i get older i see capricorn moon more visible in my behaviour and life time.
what do you think?
honestly i think i am a very picky and bad person.
- Cancer and Gemini... any hope?
So I’m a Gemini and I started seeing this cancer guy. It’s a pretty recent thing, only a few months or so. Everything seemed to be going well and then he just disappears. I’m extremely puzzled by this type of behaviour. Just a plain “I’m not interested” w
- Emotional Ping Pong
Cancer Sun with a Gemini Moon.
All week ive been feeling like an emotional pin pong. One moment i just want to cut throat end it with the person i want to be with and then the next moment i just want to be there for them. There is a back story of issues
- Pisces energy
I like a guy that’s pisces sun aquarius venus. I’m aries sun with pisces venus.
What are ur thoughts?