October 9, 2018
October 9, 2018 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 9
Topics Created On October 9, 2018
- Water sign hard worker, but lack vision
Water signs tend to be the hardest workers i know, but the air signs i know have more money. The air signs have profitable businesses, investments, and are gaining equity. The water signs i know are dedicated to work but they never seem to go above &
- Evolved vs. Unevolved Versions of the Signs
- Gut feeling
How often are your gut feelings correct? How can you tell if a gut feeling is just wishful thinking rather than true gut feeling? Is there a distinction?
If you want, I can explain the reason for these questions.
- A Novelette
September 1918.
He was a man who fought in the great war, barely surviving the last battle he was forced into. A little hopeless, he felt, as the war has been going on for four years but without the end in sight.
Hardly recognizing whether it was stil
- Crush on Capricorn Male, How to go about it?
I’m a Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon, Aquarius Rising. Unfortunately, I’m not sure of his aspects other than him being a Capricorn Sun.
We are in a group together for class currently and chat weekly via phone for group decisions. Something about him draws me i
- creepers
Do you ever have that yucky feeling after you know someone has been creeping on you? Not necessarily stalking but just breathing a weird essence into your presence which lingers?
How do you shake it off?
- writteninpastels vs. bunnywritings?
which blog url sounds better?
i might change my blogsite. it's currently bunnywritings.blogspot.com
- First dealings with a cancer male
So, i went on a date with a Cancer male on Sunday. He has literally text me non-stop since and i'm feeling slightly overwhelmed. Even to the point where I told him I didn't feel too well in the hope he would back off slightly and give me a bit of space bu
- Gemini: what types of images do you have displayed in your house
Abstract art? Photographs? Portraits?
Which are the dominant images in your household?
- Do you ever lurk your ex?
In homage to Venus retrograde do you lurk your ex's online ever? All my friends profess that "everyone does". Lately ive been lurking one ex, and having dreams about him. I have no desire to get back together, or anything like that. It's just a very stron
- Trump-era protests, Kavanaugh drama show we need less democracy
- Income/Business/Money sources ruled by Scorpio/Pluto/8th house?
I've been looking for a side business to start... I already work in a Scorpio Ruled job (investigative work in a big company) but Im looking foward to start my own business.
Any ideas?
- Taurus Men Get Over Their Exes?
Dating a Taurus man and the relationship is good. However he still thinks about his ex, who he was considering marrying.
It was her birthday a few days ago and he post a song that they both listened to... and he said it was out of appreciation for her
- Just went MIA
All summer I have been going to this dog park and this Aquarian guy was there and I noticed he makes sure he is there when I am. We used to stay there for an hour and now it’s turned into fours hours... we talk about everything! He is divorced but his ex
- Natal Saturn Aspects
Moon square Saturn and Pluto square Saturn. How many of you have both/any of these natal aspects?
- I Don't Give A Fuck What
Bitch, you either gonna accept my plans or not.
Because it's really not up to you, bitch.
Especially if you expect me to pay. (Which she did ask, "it's on you, right?")
What about the "equality" thing??
I woul
- sexual stories with Aries Woman
What are your sexual stories about Aries Women. What is it like to have sex with Aries. All stories are welcome
- Mood Swings/Hot and Cold
I have an Aquarius guy friend, several years older than me (he's early 40s). Behavior changes over the last several months. I've never been so confused about someone in my life. One day (or week) he's happy, and we'll have a good time talking, or going ou
- Aquarius Man Mood Swings
I have an Aquarius guy friend, several years older than me (he's early 40s). Behavior changes over the last several months. I've never been so confused about someone in my life. One day (or week) he's happy, and we'll have a good time talking, or going ou
- Cancer Man & Scorpio Woman, can a casual relationship work?
I am a Scorpio woman recently met a Cancer man. We have phenomenal, passionate sex, and are excellently in sync as lovers, but as he's a few months out of a 2 year relationship, he says he's not ready for a serious relationship. Is it possible for us to c
- Possibility of marriage with sun conjunct uranus in composite?
Everything I've read says that Sun conjunct Uranus means it will be an unconventional relationship where people look at the relating as odd. So I'm curious if this aspect could work out in a traditional marriage
- At least 4 percent of the male population are pedophiles
Let that sink in