October 14, 2018
October 14, 2018 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 14
Topics Created On October 14, 2018
- How good Agua men really are?
Just heard the strangest shit!
Aqua man who is 50 now married disabled woman when they were 19. He wanted to be viewed as a hero!
She has speech problem and all kinds of issues with her health and he is trying to figure out how to live his life without d
- I need GENUINE life changing advice. All opinions welcome.
I love this site because I can ask total strangers for advice and know I’ll get feedback without any emotional attachment lol. But basically I’ve been living in California for 1 year away from any family as a way to escape my home town, I’m 24 and I’m an
- Do you believe a lawyer?
Next question, do you believe me?
- Hey Guys. What are your thoughts on these placements?
There is this person I'm trying to figure out but I'm still far away from that. He is a Scorpio Sun, Aqua Moon, Libra Venus, Scorpio Mercury and Libra Venus.
Please tell me what do you think?
- WTF with disappearance of front page threads
I’ve just noticed thread about hating anal and teen raping an adult (with legit link to the story) just vanished in 1 hour both!
Are we having new rules here now?
And now I still can’t click on DXPNET in red because I don’t see it! How about getting bu
- Just Found That I Have Sun Conjunct Lilith
What does this mean for me?
They say people with this placement, the mother hates the father...
And other negativity with the mother towards the father with Lilith aspecting personal planets closest to the Sun. Like Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
- How romantic can you be...
with a gemini man before you scare him off?!!!! Sometimes i want to be a bit mushy in a text but after reading the forums I don't want to be seen as over eager. But still, i feel like it helps connection sometimes..nit being too cerebral. We're just in th
- Just curious topic
Why is men come back after they leave and why is it woman take forever to leave ?
- Copper coil
I'm having mine removed in the morning after enduring it for 12 miserable months. I don't recommend it! Any of you laydeez had a similarly bad experience (or not)?
- What do you think of this chart?
Atherton, Queensland Australia 04/28/1984 02:57
Sun Taurus 7°37'
Moon Pisces 28°57
Mercury Aries 28°39
Mars Scorpio 25°18'
Jupiter Capricorn 12°58'
Saturn Scorpio 13°30'
Uranus Sagittarius 12°54'
Neptune Capricorn1°16'
Pluto Scorpio 0°33'