October 4, 2018
October 4, 2018 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 4
Topics Created On October 4, 2018
- Scorpio fucking Gemini’s brains
As I always say...I am not asking for opinions or anything. I am just writing. I don’t give a damn about any 25 y/old scolding me with shit...I am venting.
So...last week Scorp went to retreat. He kept it from me because he wanted to surprise me. He book
- Being a Taurus is the bestest
“Jesus H. Christ taurus is the best sign!” -Jesus Christ
“Cant imagine being any other zodiac sign that can beat me!”-cosign by gladiator aka Maximus
“E=MC...scratch that it’s taurus to the infinity is the shiiiiit!” -Albert Einstein
- Men's Mental Health Awareness
Hey what happened to my exposé on @LadyNeptune telling males to kill themselves, including description on how best to succeed with the task? Suddenly she can't stand for the things that come out of her mouth?
Anywho, you were saying something about how
- Sun opposite Sun Transit - HAPPENING RIGHT NOW
What should I expect from this day?
Until now nothing relevant happened, I just feel more focused and concerned about my personal goals for the rest of the year.
Natal sun 11th house - Aries
Transit sun 5th house - Libra
- Aries man & Leo woman don't go together after all
The too temperaments don't match well when angry. Leo woman doesn't back down once angered, and Aries man becomes irrational.
I'm actually a little excited for this! :)
- "ever go into a new relationship right after a break up! Take your time!"
And those were the words of one of the dxp woman, boy were they right.
It's funny cause after a toxic relationship ,all you attract are just photo copies of the last toxic person, you somehow become a toxin magnet.
I choose to stay single until I fully
- Ideal BJ Technique
Deep Throat
Hands & Mouth
Which do you prefer?
- tempted to get back with ex who cheated
We've been separated for well over four years at this point and she cheated on me over 6 years ago.
I've had my share of fun and dates, and quite frankly, she has come across as the most honest and sane person I've come across still. Yes she's cheated,
- What poor man to do if woman lost drive
I have a Gem man friend. He is 60. Fit as not many of his age.
Married with 3 sons forever.
His wife is a doll adored by everybody. However she isn’t sexually interested for over 10 years and for him it’s a disaster.
He is however very happy, working a
- What Sign Brought You To Dxp? ( If one did )
It was Libra for me
Typed something really lame into google like " why does libra do...." I really wish I remembered the exact words.
Than wa-lah Dxp libra board... and I haven't been there since HA!