April 25, 2019
April 25, 2019 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 25
Topics Created On April 25, 2019
- Moon in Capricorn and difficult childhood.
Hi all. I've been reading a lot of astrology articles about Capricorn moon and in almost all of them it is said that moon in Capricorn is a challenging placement to have. On one of the articles it even said that moon in Capricorn natives often have a chal
- Leo woman's relationship with pisces guy
What should I do?
I'm 21 year old leo woman who is currently in love with a pisces man. I have failure of a relationship and I want to end my relationship, but the pisces warns me against it for my own sake even though he says he loves me. He helped me w
- Long FWB with Sag
I’m a Virgo woman and I have been seeing an Sagittarius men for 2 and a half years. We’re not dating but we have been physical with each other for this long. He started opening up to me last year about his life and his family but he doesn’t know anything
- Libra man Pisces woman...are we over or is he just mad?
In July of last year I walked away from a traumatic relationship with 2 kids. I met My libra guy online and from the start he swept me off my feet. However I sprinkled our relationship with my doubts because I’ve gotten use to dysfunction and our relation
- I'm back to DXP
to de-stress!!!!
I'm loving my return!
- forming a new clique
those sun signs hiding behind their moons
- do you consider DXP your home?
I do.
- Capricorn vs Gemini relationship
I am Gemini lady in my 30's and for the last year have been madly inlove with a Capricorn lady she is in her late 30's and we have been dating for almost a year.
We are a great team. I am not the normal Gemini that is flaky or can't commit. This lady too
- My leo is pushing me away
I need your advise please, my leo is pushing me away but frankly I started it, we know each other from a year and a half within this year I am the one who always started to communicate, but am not of the type that is so clingy to call so many times a day,
- Dating a Cancer guy
Alright, so tomorrow night I'm gonna have a date with this Cancer guy I met through Tinder. Any tips on how to make a good impression? What does Cancer guys like when dating?
- Astrology and Twin Flame
Do you think the journey is impacted by our planets and synergy?
- Things DXP users would never say..
@virgoOPPP - "His dick was too big."
@Dreamyboy - The anus is the dirtiest and most disgusting part of the human body."
@nikkistar - "Leo moon best moon"
@AfternoonDelights22 - "I've got to get out of here. This is just way too much drama for me to han
- question (1)
a man can cheat on a woman multiple times and she'd be reasonably upset
but her female friend does one small harmless thing and you'd never see her angrier
why are women so emotionally triggered by each other?
repressed homosexual urges?
strong Uranus