April 27, 2019
April 27, 2019 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 27
Topics Created On April 27, 2019
- Bunny is a playah now
- the problem with "extremely likable" people
i think i noticed this first-hand with people i've encountered in my life
i will reveal detailed anecdotes after some posts but i will say in this first post my general observations.
i'll start with their tendencies:
(1) they tend to abuse their popula
- Need ideas for simple romantic dates with my virgal
For Valentine's day, she had her son and had to stay close to her apartment, so I brought over take out, set up some cushions in the bed of my truck, and a mini gas fireplace. We spent the night just talking and drinking a few beers. She spent two hours l
- How Long Would You Leave A Dog Alone?
I wonder about people's opinions on this.
My boyfriend's temporary Roomate has left his two medium sized dogs. He leaves them for 13 hours or more alone in his room with only a water bowl and turns the lights off.
You hear them whining and barking the w
- Had a dream my professor distributed cigarettes during class and saved the one hand rolled spliff
i don't smoke so initially i was like what the f*
then i googled and read this
"To see a cigarette in a dream may indicate that you gain power, have a strong friend, take power and support from your spouse or friend."
"Seeing marijuana in a drea
- Is it my bedroom skills?
In honor of @adreamuponwaking I decided to make the thread for she requested it! That said. The aqua I’ve been seeing always hits me up at night or when she’s out to tell me she’s horny. Asks for me to come over. And last night left an event early because
Me Him
Capricorn Sun Scorpio Sun
Moon Virgo Moon Virgo
Mars Aries Mars Gemini
Venus Sag Venus virgo
i met this guy randomly in person and it was instant con
- Why are Sag men like this?
went on 2 separate dates with 2 different Sag guys. but they acted all aloof/distant, so quiet and overall just came off unengaging all throughout. 2 different people yet have that same personality.
this can't be a coincidence.
you think maybe there's
- Taurus chart ~~~ interpretation/thoughts?
Sun Taurus
Moon Cap
Merc Taurus
Venus Gemini
Mars Taurus
Asc Virgo
Thoughts particularly surrounding relationships, love and anything else you feel is significant? Thank you so much.