April 14, 2019
April 14, 2019 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 14
Topics Created On April 14, 2019
- How do you dxpers manage wealth?
What do your savings/checking accounts look like? Any debts? Max out your 401ks? Any other investments? Have your own business? Ever gotten scammed? Inherited stuff? What is your retirement plan?
- I keep attracting Aquariuseseseses
Why tho?
I thought Virgo and Aquarius had incredibly average compatibility.
I've got like 5 female Aquariuses feeling me (I like a few of them too but doubt I'd ever pursue any of them romantically), and 1 male Aqua I became good friends with recently.
- I keep attracting Aquariuseseseses
Why tho?
I thought Virgo and Aquarius had incredibly average compatibility.
I've got like 5 female Aquariuses feeling me (I like a few of them too but doubt I'd ever pursue any of them romantically), and 1 male Aqua I became good friends with recently.
- A cancer left spiritual cancer in me, what to do?
We were best friends (online, because we live in other cities, but he was my high school classmate, the online friendship began afterwords), and I loved him very dearly, so did he. But at one point I felt strongly manipulated, I even saw image in my head
- I like this guy he’s a Taurus but I don’t know what the heck is going on
I have liked a Taurus guy for at least nine months now we had been talking and he knew I liked him but four weeks ago he stoped talking to me the first week we were playing a game and he asked me if I still liked him I said no in fear of my own feelings,
- “Testing your partner”
testing your partner to see how they would react to certain things
you do that, right?
tell me about some of the times youve done that.
- Struggles
Tell me about something you’ve struggled with and how you overcame it
- Just a reminder
Sometimes, behaviors and characteristics have NOTHING to do with astrology, but rather, all to do with possible personality disorders and just blatantly toxic or unevolved(and unhealthy) people.
Guard your hearts, minds, and souls, my friends.
- Most & least favorite earth sign ?
From your experience.
- Settings not reachable
To adjust my settings I need to go to
Account/settings right?
I can’t see all the options including settings...
- update
So I'm not sure if you guys remember me telling you about this fairytale of a non existent love story or not. But back in February of 2016 I met this bartender. He gave me his number and then I used it once and he messaged me back but i never messaged him
- What does this Aries man want ?
Hey all
So I met an Aries man recently and we’ve gone out a few times each date ended with us making out before leaving and even long hugs and forehead kisses and asking when he is going to see me again and even asking me what type of things I enjoy doi