April 15, 2019
April 15, 2019 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 15
Topics Created On April 15, 2019
- Revenge Porn
Which sign is most likely to use it against you?
- How to handle the utterly jerky controlling behavior?
My title says it all - how frustrated I am. How can someone lack even basic to basic sense of understanding ?!?! Is this a Virgo thing or my boyfriend is just being a controlling jerk? He has to have everything his way and if I don't, then he gets so mad
- Earth signs have emotional intelligence?
Or Do water signs have a monopoly on this mysticism?
- Pisces Man Leo woman
I was seeing a Pisces man.. Maybe a bit over a month. Everything was going well we completely connected and were on the same page. On our first date we had An a amazing dinner ended up at his place and spent the whole night talking. Especially him he was
- Guessing game
I am a Gemini.
I am talking to 2 men and both are complaining to me about almost the same misfortunes they going trough in life.
I am feeling for one and eager to help andnit doesn’t irritate me a bit...
And I am listening to another one and it almost m
- Fire devastates Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris
Iconic cathedral is on fire....
- Gemini Moons
What moon you get along with?
What moon do you think is a perfect match for us?
- Funniest shit your partner told you
I am hoping for fun.
- Are Gemini moons loyal?
Scorpio i've been seeing is a Gemini moon, has 2 phones, constantly online in social media and goes clubbing every other week (dude is almost 30 tf but srsly it's coz he's an alcoholic). he'd use to initiate texts more often but lately it's been me doing
- Venus in Pisces vs Aries
Just read about his Venus in Pisces and mine in Aries are different style lovers. And these have to work on understanding each other style.
However can’t find anything describing this difference. Andnit IS true. Anyone?