April 28, 2019
April 28, 2019 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 28
Topics Created On April 28, 2019
- Leos gives the best dick...change my mind!
- Sag Sun Venus in Capricorn
First of all I’m feeling pretty broken, I’m a Virgo sun, Leo Venus and cancer moon, my beautiful sag sun and cap Venus have been together for 20 months and it’s been wonderful, we met and things moved quickly and after 9 months I moved in with her.
She is
- Neptune and Disappointment
I have these aspects in synastry with someone I've been dating for the past 6 months:
MC Square Neptune
Moon Square Neptune
Chiron Opposition Neptune
All under 3 degrees. He is Neptune in all cases.
We also have Moon Square Sun (I'm the moon). I thin
- *Astro Dice*
Does anyone have these or heard of them? I got them a few weeks ago and did my first reading today for a friend and they said it made sense.
There's no instructions with them so i read intuitively but if you have some knowledge on astrology they are quit
- Are you scared of planned meetings?
Do you always panic when someone asks you to go out or plans for something with you? Like you might easily be able to spend time with this person when it is informal, like at work or running into each other and chatting for hours, talking on phone for hou
- Cap women naive?
I just watch clips of the show since I like Kristin, but her best friend, who is a Cancer, and her husband, who is a Taurus either has something going on or will in the near future. How can the Cap not see it? Naive? Over-confident? Even people in the com
- Attraction
I'm scrolling through some dating sites, swiping right.. swiping left.. and I notice myself not swiping right on a couple "conventionally" attractive women. I've had a mindset for years, that if I can't see myself sleeping with a woman (or man), then I do
- I miss the pisces
I can't stop crying...I miss him so badly, we only knew each other about a week, but we talked almost everyday through voice chat. He said he loves me and he would date me..and he makes me feel so happy. We talked about a lot of things and emotions that I