April 16, 2019
April 16, 2019 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 16
Topics Created On April 16, 2019
- Why do so many people have cold sores on their lips?
I read online its transmitted from kissing people in the mouth or oral. I think ike 40% of people I work with get them.
- i just broke up with my gf but i miss her already
- do you get goosebumps when someone you love died?
- Does this Capricorn Man love the Virgo woman? Yes or No?
We met online two years ago. I'm a Virgo, he's a Capricorn.
We dated for about two months. The entire situation was very passionate. We connected immediately over the first couple of dates. Like, it felt natural, trustful, calming, sensual and protectiv
- What's This Capricorn Man Thinking? Help!
We met online two years ago. I'm a Virgo, he's a Capricorn.
We dated for about two months. The entire situation was very passionate. We connected immediately over the first couple of dates. Like, it felt natural, trustful, calming, sensual and protectiv
- are jawlines a fad nowadays?
i just notice this a lot.
main star of a show or movie has a very well-defined jawline but they're not exactly beautiful or handsome.
i just wonder why some people put too much premium on jawlines.
- Most and least favorite air sign?
Favorite Gemini
Least don’t have one lol Love air signs
- Aries reputation...
Anyone think we get judged and given a little harder time than is necessary? just going through the forum, I personally feel like we are very misunderstood. Maybe I don’t relate as much to the things that people say as my chart is water dominate (also 2nd
- Scorpio Woman, Taurus Man 😏
Hey Hey,
Shay here and I need some advice on my new Taurus. I'm a 33 year old scorpio, and I have been dating a 27 year old Taurus man the past month. We met while I was at work, and we ended up having a brief but deep conversation that left me super int
- A shy Taurus ? about Capricorn woman.
We have known of each other for years but I have always been too shy and awkward to get to know her.
She is now 56 yrs old living in another town and divorced. Of course she is working and active with church and busy and likely ok being single. Six months
- Downside to Taurus Man/Scorpio Woman
I know these two signs are opposite and they say opposites attract, but is that the case long term for the Taurus Man/Scorpio woman?!
- Ask a Cap Anything!
For those curious about anything and want an unabashedly honest answer, ask away!
- Asking For Trouble I Assume...
I'm just curious if I should pull the trigger on this or put this back in the cabinet.
There is this girl she is 24 that I used to work with. She has a scorp sun, gem moon sag mars. Very attractive but at the time we worked together so I never gave it a
- Taurus, Virgo or Cap
From experience, Which is the best earth moon out of the 3 and why?
- Aries man + Scorpio woman
Any opinions on Aries man and Scorpio woman relationship success?
Thanks for sharing :)