November 9, 2019
November 9, 2019 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 9
Topics Created On November 9, 2019
- Ur opinion on "snitching"?
Under what circumstances would u tattle tell. My co workers love telling on mfs lol
- Water signs are unstable
Only fools invest in that kind volatility expecting to strike rich
- Cancer man ignoring me
So Cancer man was a friend I went on a couple dates a long time ago. He found me on social media and reconnected w me. A couple mos. of hard core flirting and we both seemed very into each other. He’s getting out of a marriage and it became obvious he st
- Taurus man Virgo Woman - Help !!!!!!!
I know this taurus guy for months at work and expressed my love for him. We initially hit it off well, he took his time though I thought it was less compared to how long a Taurus man would take ( as if seen one of my friend take months ) and he did want m
- DXP Awards 2019 - Rules & Award Categories
So, it's official. I, Le Bunny, have been chosen to host this year's awards.
Thank you guys for choosing me!
- ~ Quiz ~ Which planet has the most influence over your life?
Being influenced by Chiron is both a blessing and a bane! Chiron, a minor planet, is a fairly new addition to astrology, discovered in 1977 along its erratic orbit between Saturn and Uranus. You're original, very empathic, and you see deeper int
- For what reason(s) might you make it seem that you don't have feelings for someone when you do?
- what sign do you think these two are? (peter rabbit)
i was just watching that movie yesterday and it was so awkwardly cute. what signs do you think they will be (the characters not the actor). the guy reminds of so much of virgos and the girl would probably be libra? idk
- Some awesome questions just for fun
For entertainment purposes only...
1. What is something that you do that your partners die for that normal women usually don’t/can’t do?
2. What are two gross, antisocial or morally-questionable habits or behaviors that you have?
3. What do you love
- When To Ask The Birthday Info
I know this has been asked before, but I don’t know where that post is.
When do you guys and girls ask a new person you’re talking to, for their date of birth details? I’ve never had an issue with this, but now I’m in uncharted territory. I really am cu