November 26, 2019
November 26, 2019 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 26
Topics Created On November 26, 2019
- Stuffing recipe please
I need with sausages and without.
- Air & water sign women try too hard
Air sign to act too dominant.
Water sign to act too feminine
Fire & Earth is more natural
- Pendulum dowsing
Have you got any experience of pendulum dowsing?
Dose it give you correct answer like ouija board?
- Finally met an Aquarian so time for more f#$kery
I've met this guy through a friends group with a mutual interest, we caught up for dinner and dancing.
I could see him watching me all night esp when I was dancing then he messaged me after and we chatted late night. Chatted the next day and as we live
- Mars in Scorpio, Pisces Sun, Aries moon man
Sorry about the long msg.
We both are married. Lets say his name ‘S’. We met in the school where we are doing executive course. I am quiet and live in my own world. He is very popular. First year, I did not even notice him. In the starting of second year
- Moon capricorn man going cold after leaving the country
This guy has his sun in Gemini, moon in capricorn, mercury and venus in Taurus and mars in aries. He doesn't really have a lot of Gemini traits, that's why I consider him more of a capricorn.
So, long story short, this summer I met my friend's cousin and
- Please explain Pisces Man disappearance (Mars in Scorpio, Moon in Aries).
Sorry about the long msg.
We both are married. Lets say his name ‘S’. We met in the school where we are doing executive course. I am quiet and live in my own world. He is very popular. First year, I did not even notice him. In the starting of second year
- Dating a virgo man
Okay, so I need a little help over here. I've been seeing a virgo now for about 8 months. He is lovely. But what I find hard is that some weeks he wants to see me a lot, he will come and stay over few nights a week, will be texting something nice and cute
- Capricorn moon in 4th house? Good or bad combo
I have a lot 4th house placement. I’m still learning about the houses and meaning. I’m just looking to get more insight about this combo. Thanks
- My love, Capricorn husband
I feel the urge to pour this one out.
Usually I have a theme song to describe how erratic and tumultous my feelings are when they're deep enough.
But this love of my life, can tone things down and keep it steady and NO DRAMA at all.
There is no unnece
- What does Taurus want?
I'm going to explain the activity of this Taurus woman below
She expressed her feelings two weeks back and i reciprocated as i knew her for long and she is an amazing person.
She said after three days this will not work because her family wont approve.
- Pluto in the 8th house
I’m fascinated with this placement lol I found this description and it explains some things. Does it resonate with you? What are your thoughts:
Pluto in the Eighth House
posted Jan 15, 2015, 7:24 AM by Carmen Turner-Schott [ updated Jan 15, 2015, 8:23
- Awkward
Every year for Thanksgiving my parents drive down to Arizona to celebrate with my american grandma. My bf decided that since we are spending Christmas with his family, we’d fly up to Arizona for Thanksgiving and surprise my family.
I did a good job playi
- Sag in the 12th house
Anyone else have this placement? Hmmmm interesting when i read this..
The Twelfth House in Sagittarius
When the twelfth house is set in Sagittarius, we usually see someone who has no idea where they are going. Being lost seems to be the congenital disea
- Need advice
So I’m an Aries man and this Pisces women just came back in my life after us not talking for three years I loved this women a lot but things ended badly for us the first time so she wanted to clear the air so we did after us talking and everything be good
- Pisces women Aries man
I’m an Aries man and she is a Pisces women we were talking everyday and texting each other and then all of a sudden she ghosted me for two days and told me that I was to intense and that she needed space idk what she means by me being too intense I texted
- This is a little strange
I was in a bad space and got attracted to some bad people basically. Some romsntically some on a friend level.
I woke up slowly and have cut all of them out of my life. One ended with a very clear conflict, and me now multiple times saying no to wanting