November 30, 2019
November 30, 2019 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 30
Topics Created On November 30, 2019
- ๐Happy Birthday saggurl88 ๐
I heard you're a November Sag? ๐
Hope you're having / have a fantastic birthday!
- Are there Different love strokes for sign folks?
Seems like everybody loves this I am posting since Iโve seen it
Seems all agreed that this saying is true - can anyone tell if this isnโt true for certain signs?
- Sex with Scorp
I had sex with a scorp at the being of the week. People say they are the best at sex. i got myself all work up thinking i was going get it good. But, Well, HMMM. no wow at all, it was nice. I guess i expected to much. like i said it was nice.
- Top 10 American Films With Relations to the Year of the Rabbit
Two of the top 10 american films based on the poll of American Film Institute (AFI) were released in 1939, the year of the Earth Rabbit.
These are Gone With the Wind and Wizard of Oz.
The number one on the list, Citizen Kane, directed by Orson Welles, b
- Astrology and dating, itโs true
After taking a break from astrology, well at least in the sense of using it as a tool to determine how my relationships will turn out... once again the power of the universe shows why it is not to be trifled with.
I am a Leo, recently divorced.. was marr
- The question: "Where is this relationship going?" 7 OF COINS, JUDGEMENT, 10 OF COINS
Can you please give me your insight into where this relationship is going? 7 of coins past, JUDGEMENT the present and the answer is the 10 of coins.
She made a judgemet that she couldn't give me what i needed in a relationship. What does the 10 of coins
- Is it okay to write a book even though you still don't know ---
--- its ending?
- Jupiter Transits...
Where is Jupiter ... the planet of expansion, transiting in your chart and how is it effecting you at the moment?
I'm particularly interested in 10th house transit and the effect on career
- Pluto Transits
Hi everyone!
In my natal chart I have 5 planets concentrated within only 12ยฐ:
- Sun 22ยฐ Capricorn
- Neptune 25ยฐ Capricorn
- Uranus 0ยฐ Aquarius
- Mercury 3ยฐ Aquarius
- Mars 4ยฐ Aquarius
Now, Pluto will be transiting all these natal planets during the co
- Does Leos tend to go back to the exes.
So, this Leo I just started dating, after 2 days being very quiet i asked him if he been seeing someone else, he said no, but that his ex girlfriend who he was for 4 years on/off before just came back to town after she was engaged w someone else and the e