November 29, 2019
November 29, 2019 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 29
Topics Created On November 29, 2019
- 🌽Happy Thanksgiving!🦃
Just kidding!
Fuck Thanksgiving, & fuck you too 😇
- What do you Pisces women want
What exactly do Pisces women want exactly do you guys even know if so please tell me I’m confused here lol
- Who is the most compatible
Who is the most compatible with Aries
- Where's the "Writing" Forum?
I'm writing a short story and I want to share them to you.
- Help with Pisces
Hello everyone. I’ve been dating a Pisces man for about 3 years. We’ve always had trouble with him disappearing, but lately it has gotten bad. He will pick a huge fight over some very minor misunderstanding, tell me to not come around, that he wants to br
- i'm confused about a capricorn man
hello, i'm an aquarius-pisces cusp, aquarius moon, and gemini rising. i recently found myself crushing on a capricorn man and we were a bit closer than usual. he touched my shoulder where he accidentally hit me, i was nervous about a presentation and he k
- Cancer men big libido?
Hello ! 21 years old virgo girl and 21 years old cancer men. I love him very much, the best kisser I ever had. but I am surprised because is very sexual person, not shy like the rest of cancers I meet.
He has: Cancer Sun, Libra Moon , Mars and Venus in
- How Well
- How Well Does it Work?
Has anyone gone totally NC on a Pisces man? I am on the first day, but we have gone several days without speaking. What is their general reaction over, say, 2 weeks?
- Rate signs on direct honesty 1-10
Aries 8
Taurus 4
Gemini 1
Cancer 4
Leo 7
Virgo 8
Libra 5
Scorpio 3
Sag 9
Cap 7
Aqua 4
Pisces 3