November 21, 2019
November 21, 2019 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 21
Topics Created On November 21, 2019
- Sagittarius ex started following me on social media after 2 years
It's a long and confusing story.
I met this Sagittarius in Europe over two years ago while I was holidaying, we started dating and because he started a new job a few weeks later, he started ignoring me. I got angry and ended the relationship (was again i
- Ouija ! Ouija board
Hi all,
Have you ever used ouija board?
Plz tell me your experience.
Do you have any ouija predictions turning out the truth??
- Confused by a Cancer man
Well, where to start. I am a Scorpio woman who met a Cancer man over a month ago online. We frequently talked and decided to meet. We hit it off great! Talked and laughed, he held my hand, didn't rush me and it was an amazing experience. He was affectiona
- Seeking opinion from Aquarius esp men.
I got a very close friend who is an Aquarius sun, with moon in Sag and venus in Aries. My friend is someone who shares a lot about himself to me, about his family, friends, and even past lovelife. He would randomly share even pictures of them and we te
- The insanity of the impurities
They say we are rebellious revolutionaries.
Just LOL.
Has anyone else here ever gone surfin on top of a 4x4 Chevy down the interstate?
- Gemini girl ignoring me.
I'm an Aquarius guy. I met this Gemini girl 2017, at a 3 weeks symposium. We got along well the whole time. After the close of the symposium, we all traveled back to our different bases, about 10hour drive from each other.
We kept in touch frequently on
- Hmmm....
Its been a while since I've posted but its been an intense year.
As a Cap guy, need some opinions on the following question.
Is it worth or have you ever got into a relationship b/c you were bored of your life at the moment?
- Are you doing serious?!
I just found out that one of my really good friends has been hanging out with me ex's new gf who ruined my life. There is no reason for them to be friends and I feel so back stabbed about it.
I thought there was loyalty...apparently not
She stole my bf
- Aries guy help please!!!
Ok so this is a lot but im so stressed. I liked this guy alot I’m a Leo sun Venus in cancer and his is Aries sun venus in Aries. Maybe I’m about to sound so crazy but I’m legit confused. Obviously met this super awesome Aries guy, and I felt like we have
- Online Cappy Friend
Hey there, Cappies. So 2 weeks ago, I met someone online who is a January Capricorn (Moon in Leo, Rising in Aries). We talk everyday or sometimes every other day and the convo barely goes deep and he would rarely share sensitive or too personal stuff abou
- I am laughing but also upset
NO! It’s not going to be a thread about me fucking Cancer...lmao
It’s about my mom. Who is Cancer and she hated my ex Cap with all her might since the beginning of our recently ended marriage of 25 years.
After that BDay party I’ve talked about ex spent
- Does anyone feel they are growing........
......into their moon?
I do🌛
Moon in Taurus/Scorpio dominant
I've become very calm, more comforable with myself and seem a lot more relaxed with life 😎.
Also my candle, fairy lights and furry cushion/rug collection seems to be increasing :P
Anyone el