November 17, 2019
November 17, 2019 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 17
Topics Created On November 17, 2019
- One day left
for people of this upscale dump to tell me not to send Happy Birthday to man who brought me up from ashes of womanhood and gave me a new life as a woman regardless of decade of torture...
I AM a woman that I am BECAUSE IF HIM today!
Happy as fuck and fee
- What time do you sleep?
I want to sleep between 9 and 10 but always felt too early so I kinda sleep beyond 12 (sometimes 2 am)
I want to change this bad habit of mine
- What happened in Cancer in 2008/2009?
Hey guys, new here. Just posting a question out of curiousity as ive been checking astrology on youtube for my sign Cancer. Im Cancer (25 June) Libra ascendant, moon in scorpio.
My question is i have seen in many many pages on youtube cancer people post
- Male Aries Mars & Female Capricorn Mars
Anyone know if this works?
Reason I'm asking is that I know Aries Sun man and Cap Sun woman is horrible.
So I wondered how the 2 signs of Aries & Cap in Mars works - or doesn't work - together?
- Female Pisces Venus & Male Aries Mars
Here we have Venus & Mars compatibility.
Does anyone have experience of this type of relationship with Female Pisces Venus & Male Aries Mars?
Good? Bad?
- Cancer Sun, Libra Moon Male
Long story short
We had a whirlwind romance, I met his whole family. We had minor arguments here and there. The final straw was an argument in which I called him a few names. I tried to make things right that day, but he has chosen to tell me that he is