April 4, 2012
April 4, 2012 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 4
Topics Created On April 4, 2012
- I think my gem asc is coming out..
I've been falling for people's minds instead of the normal way I fall for people. I seek comforting conversations about
- Taurus People Are Perfection! Love You Guys!
You guys are hands down my favorite sign. I've never met a bull (guy or girl) that I did not like. The women are beautif
- Is it just me...
...or are you feeling in a lazy mood too? I dunno, it's weird, I've been feeling in a real lazy/tired mood for a few
- The magic 30
Lately I've found myself strongly drawn to women in their early 30s. I'm 26 myself, so it's maybe not that strange. But
- Oh, Scorpio, how you confuse me. Help please?
I've known this Scorpio man for seven or eight months now, and about a month ago, he popped up with a proposition for FW
- Cancer man feels smothered??
Not sure if he was joking or not. But the Cancer man I am seeing, said that I am smothering him, but with a lol at the
- Virgo man..Aries girl. Uh oh!
Hi guys Was wondering if you could help me get to grip with the Virgo mans mind. Ive been reading through some posts
- Wondering about scorp male
hi all :] I used to see this scorp male back in 2009. We saw eachother for about 5 months before he vanished from m
- Sag & Scorpio: Platonic Love?
Do we really 'hear' each others words or what is happening? I will call him 'MY Sag man'. He is not, but it is almos
- Don't do drugs, people
Its bad for your health.
- What are YOU into...
at the moment Sagis? Got any new crushes/obsessions? Any tunes that you're playing on repeat continuously with dan
- just waitin'.....not anticipatin'....
lol. remember the leo at work who i accidentally 'approached' via a dating site (a little aggressively cos he ignored m
- Advice for Aquarius girlfriend problems..
So I've been dating this girl since October (about 6 months now)...I'm a Libra (oct 8th) and she's born January 23nd. I'
- Approaching Pisces!
Ran into an old acquaintance a few days ago who I've not seen for 7 years! Stroke up a pretty awesome conversation and f
- How Profound....
http://sasstrology.com/2011/11/what-your-7th-house-partnerships-say-about-you.html I mean I can understand the 7th ho
- Help!!! this virgo guy is driving me nuts!!!
Hi my name is melany, i've been in a relationship with this virgo guy for a while now. Recently he's been drifting away.
- i wanna make you smile
this is something that seems to be often part of a man's chat-up. so often in fact, i now have a complex about coming a
- Alabama Shakes
This song woke me up one night after sex. I was sound asleep and it came on and part of me was like WTF...the other par
- Bursts of creation & completing small hurdles?
Wondering if any fellow felines have felt the retrogrades ease up as well. I find myself being very energetically sensit
- So...
How do you post pics on these forums?